Monday, March 29, 2010

How Much Do Struts Cost

Prova: Triumph Rocket III Touring & Harley Davidson Electra Glide Standard

Testing 26/03/2010

Triumph and Harley Davidson, two brands that do not need no introduction and now as everything has been said and more. But
go straight to the point!

Because these bikes? The
inglesona has always fascinated me, and above all I was curious to try the pair tricilindrico from 2300cc monster. I chose to try the touring version and not the standard because if you ever buy the Rocket III would buy this version because I do use the bike.

Regarding the U.S. I chose the Electra Glide as the only one with a "semi-hull" if you can call it, the choice for the same reason mentioned above.

Triumph Rocket III Touring

The bike is really big .... puts a bit of awe when standing still ... While GW is great because ultra fairing etc. The Rocket III is essential ... there are no clear superstructure except the windshield. So it is big no-nonsense ...
The windshield can be easily removed at any time without tools. In 4 / 5 seconds the take off and put it back! It's time you ride ... very comfortable and equipped with a wide adjustable backrest (also very useful and we'll see why). The feet are well on the ground. Between the legs of the enormous tank with analog speedometer and a small display board computer (clock, battery life, TRIP1, etc trip2. Selectable by dedicated button on the handlebars).
The handlebars and large, too large.
The impression you get is high quality and of great strength and most rewarding thing is that it is not just an impression but it is real!
When you press the button of starting of the powerful three-cylinder starts to turn round without hesitation or vibration nuisance.
It 's time to move these 395kg of motion: in the first and away you go! The bike moves
docile and silent as the clutch release peeling just enough gas to turn it off or risk ... the bike runs so smooth and docile. I rearrange them in the saddle as the position of this kind of bike is very different from "traditional" motorcycles in general. Assume a position .... as in an armchair legs forward with the feet resting on the solid wide boards and uses a small backpack are easily adjustable, thereby taking the correct position in the saddle.
the first traffic light (used in the braking system of the integral and assisted me RT1150) aziono when the front brake lever, the bike does not seem to put up with no effect ... then pull the lever with the whole hand up to stop me. The effort on the lever to stop the bike is great ... to have a good braking effect must act on both brake controls.
Anyway I think it is only due to the fact that the installation of my RT nailing just touch it! Then you have to recalibrate for a moment! So much so that returning to the dealership motorcycle brake properly because I was recalibrated on the installation of the bike.
The city is not, however, the environment for inglesona where you must move carefully in traffic Having regard to the mole. Obvious maybe, once the measures taken, we can move as good as everyone is moving well with their bike as big can be! In the middle of traffic we feel the heat from the engine and invest your legs come out from under the seat. But just 50/100 feet moving all this disappears ...
finally arrives on the Avenue of the hills leading to the Piazzale Michelangelo (the test took place in Florence) where I can do a few corners, and open up some gas!!
The bike goes in a curve with embarrassing ease. We never expect such a reaction from the motion of such great size! Definitely on the rear tire narrower than the Standard (from 240 to 180), that earns the Rocket a handling unexpected! Maybe even too much at first, but certainly workable once you're comfortable with the medium. The change in balance requires some training, but the change is accurate and the pedal is good, neither too long nor too short.
Finally a bit of open road in front of me ... I open the gas and are catapulted into hyperspace! The bike has a pleasant roar and pulls like a bull! The back now I know what is intended: to make you stay in the saddle! However
sudden opening of the gas the bike as part of a missile at any speed and any gear! The powerful torque is always available at any time (209Nm @ 2.000 giri!!!.....) Dopo qualche apertura di gas "moderata" dove cerco di capire come si comporta la moto e come risponde al comando (rapidissima!!!!), decido di fare la (mia) prova del 9: gas a battere!!! Ruoto tutta la manopola fino a fine corsa. Ma con la stessa velocità con cui spalanco il gas, con la stessa velocità lo devo chiudere... la velocità diventa immediatamente di 3 cifre ed oltre il limite autostradale....................
Il tiro è mostruoso, la potenza è palpabile.... ma allo stesso tempo docile e dolce. La Rocket ti permette di andare a spasso senza sentire neppure il motore, ma anche di andare veramente forte..... ma per andare forte con la Rocket III è necessario il ghiaccio nelle veins and a lot of experience. The engine allows performance dragster, but the bulk of the bike is important.
It 's a pleasant bike, which is guided without difficulty. But it requires respect. We can not afford to open the gas case. In turn the gas as it goes dosado wisely anticipating the opening out of the corners can mean being dismounted and lying, so the power is always available. But the Rocket III Touring you enjoy traveling with the high gear and a drop of gas ... and this does not mean going slow!
The protection offered by the windscreen is very good, and everyway protection from air is generally better than expected.
Riding the Rocket III, gli occhi sono tutti puntati su di lei. Ovunque passi o ti fermi la gente la guarda incuriosita ed immagino la sorpresa quando vede che sul serbatoio non c'è il nome della casa americana!
Le borse: capienti ma secondo me poco sfruttabili poichè strette e lunghe, ma niente che non si possa risolvere con una borsa rollo fissata dietro!
La Rocket III mi ha emozionato molto, sembrava parlarmi.... le sensazioni provate alla guida di questa muscle bike da turismo sono state molto molto piacevoli ed intense. Mai provato niente del genere su altre moto.
Prova in autostrada: entro in autostrada a Firenze Nord in direzione sud.
La moto protegge bene dall'aria fino agli 80/90 km/h dopo i quali l'aria si fa sentire principalmente legs, while the windscreen does a good job. The bike I have "pulled" up to 140 km / h where you can hear the engine speed blender, bringing the thought to consumption. A good relationship
rpm / speed (the tachometer is not then go to ear) it has to be 110/120km/h. At 130km / h you can hear the pleasant sound of the engine which suggests perhaps consuming more (but not having a rev counter and trying hard to say if not for the long haul). On the highway the bike is extremely stable and enjoyable.
Esco at Firenze Sud and head towards Greve in Chianti Grassina passing by to bring the Rocket in the beautiful curves and landscapes of the Chianti. The bike (as occurred during the first test) between dance the curves with ease thanks to the narrower rear tire (from 240 to 180) that gains in handling. Throwing the eye I see the speedometer to keep a good pace for the type of bike that I have under the seat. One thing that we must never forget, however, is not to have ABS. If you brake hard it is easy to lock the wheels, especially the rear. By implementing a driving need to know how shiny determination wisely braking because the lock on the brakes "(to make it clear at what point is more likely to happen) is very very easy. The front brake used individually allows decelerations. To get a more powerful braking (and safe) you have to brake with both commands considering that the latter is the most powerful of the two.
guide more effective and rewarding for the Rocket III Touring is still the most fluid, brushing the curves with a little gas. In fact you can still drive in 5 ^ with a little gas (also benefiting consumers). Just for fun I somehow closed curve ^ I put a 4 but realizing that I could easily do in 5 ^. Great engine!
the long position in the saddle not tired legs apart (the tank is huge but not very spacious with its 22 liters), with open arms to challenge a solid handle ... It seems to ride a bull by the horns and keep it ...!!! Nice feeling!!
Alla guida di questa moto si cambia... ci si sente diversi... si sta bene con noi stessi e col mondo... sensazioni difficili da descrivere.... ma positive! Molto positive.
Arrivato a Greve in Chianti svolto in direzione Figline dove ci sono un paio di tornanti.... anche se non particolarmente impegnativi, la moto li affronta con scioltezza, anche se trovare il giusto rapporto tra sterzata, inclinazione, e gas non è semplicissimo. Con le marce basse, l'on/off è brusco, inficiando questo genere di manovre, che ritengo si possano effettuare con marce più alte sfruttando l'immensa coppia a disposizione.
Giunto a Figline, decido di dirigermi verso casa per pranzare e vado per la SR 69. Su questo genere di strada la RIIIT is at home and the best of
Allocation to 14.30 at the time of the dealer to return the bike. SR69 again until Incisa and then the "S. Donato" (other curves) to Florence.

.......... What about the three-cylinder Triumph is a great engine .... nothing to complain. Triumph makes the bike out from the pack, with a great personality and a great character ... the bikes with a soul and a heart that we speak ....
The Rocket III is the culmination of everything ... wherever you stop, whether it be petrol or whatever, you always find at least one odd that people ask questions and compliments on the bike. Traffic and traffic lights in the eyes never fail.
But let's get to what I think you want to know: the buy??
I like the bike in every way, but first things first.
I do use the bike 365 days a year, 366 days leap year, spring, summer, autumn, winter, sun, wind, rain, snow, ice, etc..
To date I have owned touring bikes with fairings important, abs, tris and bags large enough. So I had a kind of motion, very different from the Rocket III for both genre and the way in which they interpret tourism in motion.
The Rocket III is a pure bike! An engine, a chassis 2 wheels. Stop. A bike .... bike!
Another philosophy of motion than I've had so far.
The bike I really like, well, performs well even tra le curve, è godibile etc. e per tutto ciò la comprerei ad occhi chiusi. Una gran bella moto.
Ma per me e secondo me, la scelta da fare è piuttosto un'altra.
Qualcuno mi ha chiesto un paragone tra la Goldwing e la Rocket III Touring e quale delle due prenderei se costassero uguali.
Confermo e ribadisco quanto già detto: il paragone tra le due moto non è fattibile per la diversità concettuale delle moto in oggetto e per la diversa filosofia costruttiva e di concepire il moto turismo.
La bontà delle due moto è ineccepibile...belle entrambi etc. etc.
La scelta da fare per quanto mi riguarda non è tanto di quale moto va meglio o quale mi piace di più, ma quale filosofia di moto e concetto I intend to embrace tourism. The
RIII is a pure motion: getting caught by the water when it rains. There is no shelter from the wind and cold. No heated grips or luxuries like that. Carrying capacity reduced: no trunk but a carrier to request and 2 bags of 14 liters each. and therefore the need to reduce the luggage to a minimum (including the baggage of our sweet half). No safety device (ABS) or similar. In short, a bike, pure and raw with the pros and cons of a traditional motorcycle, with which we must learn again to slow down and act as natural ABS. But even with all the advantages that a bike "naked" offers.
Across the GW now that we all know well: good load capacity, affidabilità totale del propulsore e dell'elettronica, comodità, riparo dagli eventi etc. etc. etc.

H-D Electra Glide Standard

Il mito HD!!! Wow!!! Che emozione!!! Che bella tutta in nero!!!
Scopro che HD è più tecnologica di quanto non immaginassi!
Nessuna chiave per accenderla! Trasponder in tasca, e vai!
Le frecce sono simili alle tradizionali freccie bmw a 3 tasti: freccia destra-> pulsante a destra. Freccia sinistra->pulsante a sinistra. Per spengere le freccie basta ripremere il pulsante o si spengono automaticamente dopo 200 metri. Sulla moto è presente l'ABS!!! Non sapevo che le HD avessero ABS!!
pleasantly surprised by what they learn is the time to leave .... There were several Harleysti BMWista watching this on a 'HD! ... I could not miss anything! 's so it was! (God is!)
The HD still vibrates a lot ... if you look at the engine on a bike is still amazing to be as it moves everything! In the saddle is comfortable, and the location is convenient position of the trunk is not very different from what I have on my RT.
enter the first and known immediately that the pedal travel is long and the pedal is a little trying at first. Once in motion vibrations that you have to stop motion disappear offering an excellent driving comfort. The engine runs full-bodied American and without hesitation. The braking system is a good size and there is no need to stop clinging to the levers. Riding
but you do not feel the quality you would expect from a HD .... pressing the large terraces which flex with the foot ... there is a feeling of incompleteness ... as if the bike had to finish assembling or something .... Opening the gas and the answer is always progressive and enjoyed the sweet sound of the typical American home! I was able to verify that the tone of the exhaust discharges original HD is very nice and powerful! I do not understand why people often "open" discharges, producing a hellish noise and annoying ..... bah .... sorry for the digression!
Electra Glide in turn needs to be guided a little bit more than the other motorbike is ridden a bit more physically! As the motion curves with ease, but also requires some action by the driver.
Electra Glide was a little disappointed but my expectations .... but maybe I expected too much myself. I have not tried the particular emotions in the guide ... I felt sterile ... dumb .... not sent me anything in particular ....
Perhaps because maybe a HD "faired" HD is not a "pure "....

For the first time I drove custom bike! I had never driven before today. It 's all something else than the bike they ride, usually. There is a different philosophy of understanding the bike, and I must admit I did not mind at all! It seems to me that driving a custom you may live more than the environment around us and pay less attention to the bike that is more essential than a traditional bike touring or other ...
Perhaps I did not quite clear on everything but I can understand that there is something different than the general traditional .... The wide world of platforms, from the change in the balance, the front legs etc. is something that is worth at least try at least once in their lifetime.
Going up riding my RT, I seemed to sit a plasticky toy .... it was a bad feeling on the back .... luckily RT then moved, but I remember it well and I take note. 2
buy this bike? Well
: HD that I tried not told me a lot ... yes, HD is the myth, the legendary Electra Glide, the only HD vibration etc ... But I was not informed of anything more than that.
Triumph: Rocket III has bewitched me ... that bike has a soul ... has a character ... that bike speaks to you like few can do .... it's just you! Not the cloning of the HD (like BMW R1200C of the rest!). It 's just her with that engine, with aesthetic ones, with those benefits, with that amount, with that sound .... and with that shot and the couple.
La comprerei?... se decidessi di farmi una cruiser da turismo credo proprio di sì. Considerando anche che, (credo) non ha mercato e che quindi il giorno che ci si trovasse a doverla rivendere sarebbe un'impresa ardua. Ma questo è irrilevante: se devo comprare una moto che non mi da emozioni ma che si rivende bene, preferisco una moto che mi parla, che mi da emozioni anche se eventualmente un giorno sarà difficile da piazzare.
Quindi: sì, comprerei la Rocket III Touring. Per quanto riguarda l'HD mi riservo di provare la Road King e la Heritage Softail Classic. Comunque l'Electra Glide Standard non la comprerei.

Lifesize Jennifer Love Hewitt

Prova Honda Goldwing 1500 e 1800

La prova fu eseguita alla fine di Maggio 2009

In primo luogo, I would like to thank you for the helpfulness and courtesy of Maurizio Oldani Wingstore of Novara, which despite being very busy for the preparation of the 'Open House ", he dedicated his precious time listening and answering all my questions and cuoriosità on GW!

Now we move to the impressions I had at the helm of GW is that 1500 1800 :

The first test (than anticipated) regards 1500 :

I go to the bike ... really great and just as fascinating!
I climb into the saddle .... a breath ... and put in first birth to a baby walker test.
Just came out I realized how easy it is really a GW ... about half t between man and bike, but it seems to drive an object much lighter ... incredible ... After a wide curve, I come to a roundabout, and I say to myself: "Now comes the fun!" Instead ..... wow! The ease with which he faced round leaves me dumb, so much so that around a few times to make sure that it was not a case! The nice thing is that despite the slow speed the bike does not tend to "fall into" as it does on the BMW K1200LT.
Continuing the tour in search of curves and the bike shows agility and ease of disarming when you consider the size and dimensions of the medium.
I come to town and do a U-turn in a small square ... nothing più semplice!!!
Faccio la stessa strada per tornare dedicando maggiormente attenzione alle caratteristiche della moto. Il motore gira rotondo permettendo senza incertezze di inserire tutte le marce fino all'overdrive! La guida è piacevole e rilassante! Non si avverte il bisogno di correre! Solo voglia di godersi appieno la moto e quanto ci circonda! Tirando un pò non mancano le prestazioni del 1500 esacilindro! Vibrazioni assenti! L'unica cosa da capire un pò sono i freni: frenando con la sola leva la decelerazione non è molto potente, a causa della ripartizione di frenata Honda. Non ricordo benissimo come funziona di preciso, comunque per non sbagliare è bene usare l'azione combinata is the brake pedal to leverage the most important!
riding position and comfort ... well ... I tell you to do?! Very convenient location with no load on the arms ... And the comfort? Well .... the thing that comes closest to the seat of a GW (1500 that is 1800), perhaps ... the chair of the house!
absolute protection from wind and rain, so I guess even cold! The

1800: Della
1500 brings only the name and size (although it seems to me 1500 largest 1800).
There is a greater readiness of the engine, more power brake and you notice the freshness design del del nuovo modello.
Oserei definire la 1800 una moto sportiva travestita da opulenta tourer.
Sospenzioni più dure, motore più grintoso, maggior maneggevolezza e prestazioni notevoli per il genere di moto. Molto più facile ed intuitiva del 1500 .
C'è però anche da dire che gli anni e la percorrenza delle 2 moto sono molto diverse...
Cosa scegliere: io direi che si tratta soprattutto di 2 fattori: disponibilità economica e gusto personale. Sono moto di epoche differenti e paragonarle ha poco senso.
Il 1800 è decisamente più moderno (le prestazioni generali non le paragono). Il 1500 ha un fascino che dubito riuscirà time to carefully resealed and kept in the 1800. However, this is a totally personal and totally perere questionable.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cheap Monster Energy Hoods

New York Times Magazine

My photos published in The New York Times Magazine.