Thursday, October 14, 2010

Strona Z Prasówkami

chat with Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy

Finding well-being through the body. Learning to enjoy life has nothing to do with eating or addictions or lavoro.E 'proposal the psychologist and coach Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy presents in his new book, "Four daily pleasures, at least! "

Nobody is prepared to death or sadness. Evelyn lost a daughter whom he adored. This irreparable loss was so hard to accept that his body was constantly sick and doctors could find no explanation for this accumulation of somatization. He says he realized then that what is important to heal and get out of pain. But how?

result of that experience is individual therapy and group work, Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy wrote, with the therapist Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger , il libro " Uscire dal lutto " (Di Renzo Editore, 2008) che racconta il lavoro necessario per il superamento del dolore.

Attualmente è in visita in Argentina per presentare la seconda uscita di " Quattro piaceri al giorno, come mininimo! " pubblicato di recente da Aguilar . Il libro, che raccoglie decine di casi a titolo di esempio, si presenta come un risultato della sua vasta esperienza e una dimostrazione che "fare un bagno, completare un cruciverba o una passeggiata può portare a conseguenze positive se viviamo pienamente e con la consapevolezza del qui e ora".

Che cosa è "Quattro piaceri al giorno, come minimo"?
Imparare a godere della vita, dell'ambiente, della natura, degli altri, i piaceri che non hanno nulla a che fare con il consumo o con la droga, o le dipendenze o non lavorare troppo. E'qualcosa che è legato ai valori, che conduce alla spiritualità, di trovare il benessere all'interno del corpo attraverso i cinque sensi.

Se ci si ferma a guardare da vicino ciò che ci circonda, per esempio, guardare un paesaggio e godere di esso, si può notare come il corpo reagisce quando si è nel piacere e ci si rende conto che questa cura funziona. Secondo gli studi, il modo in cui il piacere può cure is to slow the breath, making the pulse beats slower, this decreases blood pressure and has a real nice most of the bodies, but above all you have to do things that bring joy and pleasure, joy is contagious thus benefit will also be the people around us.

What is coaching?
It's like using brief therapy tools such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and RPGs. I deal with people who have performance problems at work or are going through a change and have a little 'depressed. For example, when someone retires and does not accept the change that occurs, the coaching accompanies him and helps him to understand that many years are worth living. Once these people are ready and have found the resources to pursue a new life form or a different therapy is stopped.
My goal is to see the independent person as soon as possible. We work with appointments of half an hour, once every 15 days. When people find solutions to problems on its own meetings expand over time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Four pleasures in bookstores

E 'arrived in bookstores the book Four daily pleasures, at least! Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy (Di Renzo Editore). Give yourself every day at least four small pleasures: a purpose so easy to make people smile. Yet a large number of people can not even write down a list! But the pleasure you recharge your batteries, makes us dynamic drives away fatigue, relaxes us, allows us to heal, give us the joy. We reconnect to our bodies, to others and the world. But above all, is a gateway to spirituality. Victim of her own grief and painful trials, Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy could, thanks to the method of pleasures, the taste and the energy recovered to live here and explains how to find the colors of life. Illustrated by numerous cases, the work is accessible to all.

The book is available from today at the site of Di Renzo Editore ( ) with 20% discount for payment by credit card.

buy all the books of Schützenberger Jeufroy and also saves shipping costs.
  • Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy Four daily pleasures, at least! 12.5 € (-20%) 10.00 €
  • Anne Ancelin Schützenberger and Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy Exit mourning € 12.00 (-20%) € 9.60
  • Anne Ancelin Schützenberger Il piacere di vivere 13.50 € (-20%) 10.80 €
  • Anne Ancelin Schützenberger La sindrome degli antenati 13.50 € (-20%) 10.80 €
  • Anne A. Schützenberger e Ghislain Devroede Una malattia chiamata "genitori" 12,00 € (-20%) 9.60 €
  • Anne A. Schützenberger Lo psicodramma 16,00 € (-20%) 12.80 €

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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U2 & Leica M9

Start the U2 concert at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome
October 8, 2010
apparently illogical from the juxtaposition between U2 and the Leica but I write this "article" to bring the experience of using a digital Leica M to a concert that involved 75,000 spectators.
Needless to say, because the concert was beautiful and exciting, you can own mind (but only idea ..) looking this video. Since the longer focal length is 135mm for the M9 (which I have and I'll never have), is not the best camera to photograph a concert . Because the decibel pulled from the crates are infinitely higher than any shutter is not necessary to have a silent machine . But it is without doubt the machine that goes unnoticed most , none of the audience next to me, " took seriously the M9 as a camera . In a place where all (or most) photos or record video, the only ones who are entitled to "the second of fame" are the owners of SLR, big and bulky that I absolutely can not fail to be seen. The M9 instead fell into my hands, that hide and protect, only came out at the appropriate time, fast focusing e. .. click. The shutter does not have the time to end the arms race and the car is already hidden. It 'clear that a reflex, perhaps with a good stabilized telephoto lens, was the best choice, but it would have taken away much of my concentration to the concert, to get a picture that it would have been taken from seventy meters.

Leica M9 instead allowed me to photograph without being photographer, that is not to be constantly focused on the photo, but take those few moments that "should " to be captured and the rest totally surrender to the music of U2 .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

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Four daily pleasures, here's the formula for happiness

Quattro piaceri al giorno. Tanto basta per ridarci la carica, la serenità e la gioia di vivere. If this is the formula for happiness, being happy is so simple! What does it take? Who does not remember a list of things would like to do? Who is not willing to gratify himself with such a therapeutic justification? Yet, says Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy , it is not at all easy. The psychologist points out that the French think of 4 things that can give us pleasure is difficult, indeed most people can not even draw up a list. And then, continues the author, you must define what we mean by pleasure. Not to desire and obtain more and more, in fact has nothing to do with the consumerism.

Neither has to do with exaggerated behaviors or dependencies - from the game, work, alcohol, drugs. It is true that in these phenomena spread dopamine, the so-called hormone of pleasure, but it is just an escape, a decompression chamber in relation to moments of great stress or loss of connection. The pleasure of we speak the Jeufroy is instead "a state of alert" that makes us focus on what gives the good and creates calm. Not be classified or defined: it is different for each of us should be tried, conquered, built, and only so enriches us "more well-being. " Not so much a permanent state, but rather a transitory moment of fullness that we must be able to stimulate and capture. It is inseparable from the desire that it generates and that it runs out. Once acquired, the method of the four quiet pleasures of a day there and we care, gives us joy and opens us up to spirituality.

pleasures are "small" - a bike ride, a beautiful sunny day, a phone call to a dear friend - but we enjoy being in communion with others. So, far from being an end in itself, indulge in the pleasures is a way to love better and enables us to accept others with a sense of a true love.

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Leica M9 Titanium

It 'difficult to improve on perfection and to do so in Solms had to call an external: Walter De' Silva.
Italian car designer, became famous thanks to the work in Alfa Romeo (145, 146, 155 and 156) and now in the past where Volkswagen has held the position as head of Centro Stile, so it is responsible for the design of the following brands: Volkswagen, Audi , Seat, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini.
The difficult task that was given was to review a classic timeless design of the Leica M, which from 1954 to today is pretty much remained the same.
With Titanium M9 something has changed, though, you should look at in depth, at least for the less attentive eyes.
disappears for the light of the window frames, has been replaced by a system led red.
The red Leica logo becomes larger and is now exactly in the center of the objective.
The shutter button is no longer the thread for the remote shutter release.
Obviously the color is Titanium, perhaps slightly louder than other versions Leica M Titanium, and the upholstery is leather, the same used in some Audi models. The M9
Titanium is a series of five pieces of him, will not change the design of the M9 standard (black and gray), but there probably show ideas for the future "M10".

- Frames LED red
- Failure to take USB external

I do not like:
- No indication of basic telemetry (also missing M8/8.2 and M9)
- prices in excess of € 20,000 (!!!)

the price I only revealed at the end, the M9 Titanium binds to a collector's item and not use.
It 's a shame that a company like Leica, mother of modern photography, is forced to these moves in the market for mere monetary gain.
must admit that there was a bold restyling for an object that is so more than half a century but this has not been added to increase prestazioni tale da giustificare il prezzo.
La M9 Titanium è stata concepita come un oggetto da collezione (o investimento), difficilmente la si vedrà in giro... purtroppo!

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Sexual energy

You can not talk without a deal of pleasure that goes along with the word "sexuality." They say 'take', 'have', 'give', 'test' pleasure. The desire is intensified when it includes creativity, imagination, receptivity (active or passive), intuition, the ability to receive, or accept the other in itself, giving oneself, getting to relax. In Asia, where the body and spirit are one, the sexual energy is considered one of the paths of evolution. Not only does this prevent the old pleasure, conserva la vitalità e la buona salute, ma è la via regale verso uno stato di coscienza più elevato e la scoperta della parte divina che risiede in ciascuno di noi.

Quattro piaceri al giorno,come minimo! I benefici del piacere sul corpo e sullo spirito

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Book copies in October, a welcome gift

Sul nostro sito potete prenotare le copie dei libri in uscita a ottobre. Prenotando e poi confermando la prenotazione, riceverete insieme all'ordine un gradito omaggio.

Leggi come:

The RNA revolution

RNA does not have the sole function of "storehouse of information" necessary in a primitive system of self replication. This polymer has properties of the catalyst itself and a single molecule is sufficient to observe catalytic activity. With this discovery, Sidney Altman has revolutionized the understanding of biological mechanisms. A function apparently old, which has been preserved along the evolution, even when a protein or proteins, in turn, have evolved to contribute to the work of the RNA. In this volume, Altman tells the adventures of its discovery, the charm of life Energy Laboratory's scientific life in daily contact with the great minds of his time.

Sidney Altman, Canadian-born American chemist, he studied physics at MIT and then at Columbia University and biophysics at the University of Colorado. At Yale University, where he was first researcher and then a professor, has conducted studies that led to the discovery of the action of ribonucleic acid as a biological catalyst, for which in 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Prize Chemistry.

Pages: 80 - Price: € 12.50
ISBN: 9788883232510 - Year of publication: October 2010
Di Renzo Editore

Sum of metaphysical terms

At its previous translations of Bruno's works, some of which are new, Judge Guido adds the first complete translation of the Summa terminorum metaphysicorum, one of the texts Latin major, dictated by his pupil Raphael He Nolan. Augusto Guzzo, taking the opinion of another leading scholar of Italian Bruno, Ludovico Limentani, stated that "if you were to choose, among all the Latin works of Bruno, the most mature, complete and perfect, to put it into a modern language and make known, through it the Latin Bruno, few writings would lend as the Summa terminorum metaphysicorum. The long introductory essay is the most detailed and documented analysis of Nolan's residence in Switzerland. Continuing in its unique approach, based on careful research on places where the works of the philosopher were born, Judge Guido is able once again to surprise us with some unpublished contributions on one of the rare periods of little-known pilgrimage of the philosopher.

Guido del Giudice, MD, the Neapolitan philosopher, has emerged in recent years as one of the connoisseurs of life and work of Giordano Bruno. In 1998 he created the website, became a landmark for fans and scholars from around the world and in 2001 he published the essay WWW. Giordano Bruno, the result of his experience of communication through the web. In this series have already come out in 2005, the coincidence of opposites. Giordano Bruno between East and West, in 2006 the translation of two speeches: Oratio Valedictoria Oratio and comforting, in 2008 the dispute of Cambrai, with the translation of Camoeracensis Acrotismus and 2009 The God of Surveyors, with that of the four dialogues on Stain.

Pages: 200 - Price: € 14.00
ISBN: 9788883232503 - Year of publication: October 2010
Di Renzo Editore

Marx died

Obsessed with curiosity to know what they say about him after his funeral, Stephen Marx, a prolific writer, and staged his own death after cleverly composed his obituary, he disappears, leaving his wife Miriam, the media and especially Noah Bergun critic hungry celebrity, to finish the job. While Miriam works with Noah - and falls in love - a critical edition of his works, Marx reappears in San Francisco in disguise and becomes a literary event. When a brilliant journalism student discovers his true identity, Marx makes a pact that would ensure her career but to destroy him.

Carl Djerassi, professor of chemistry at Stanford University, is best known as the father of the pill, for which he received numerous academic awards. He is the author of novels, essays, poems and stories. Di Renzo Editore has published the novel Cantor's Dilemma, Operation Bourbaki, NO and Menachem's seed, biography, interview by the pill-pen, and two plays Computing and ICSI. Sex in the age of mechanical reproduction.

Pages: 264 - Price: € 16.00
ISBN: 9788883232312 - Year of publication: October 2010
Di Renzo Editore

Four daily pleasures, at least!

Give yourself every day at least four small pleasures: a purpose so easy to make people smile. Yet a large number of people can not even write down a list! But the pleasure you recharge your batteries, makes us dynamic drives away fatigue, relaxes us, allows us to heal, give us the joy. We reconnect to our bodies, to others and the world. But above all, is a gateway to spirituality. Victim of her own grief and painful trials, Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy could, thanks to the method of pleasures, the taste and the energy recovered to live here and explains how to find the colors of life. Illustrated by numerous cases, the work is accessible at all.

Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy, psychologist, specializes in assisting people, helping them to overcome moments of difficulty passing or reorient their lives. For Di Renzo Editore has published Exit mourning, along with Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.

Pages: 104 - Price: € 12.50
ISBN: 9788883232343 - Year of publication: October 2010
Di Renzo Editore

The search for life - towards a sustainable future

Hydrocarbons and Their products are essential for the growth of the global economy, but the fossil fuel resources are low and therefore necessary to seek alternative sources of energy. The conversion of carbon dioxide from industrial installations in the atmosphere or in liquid methanol, in turn, used as fuel or feedstock for the production of other hydrocarbons, is a perfect solution at your fingertips. George A. Olah tells us about the stages of its discovery and commitment to a cleaner environment in a sustainable future.

George A. Olah, Hungarian-born American chemist, is professor at the University of Southern California and director of the Loker Hydrocarbon Research. His research on generation and reactivity of carbocations through superacids have earned him the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1994. Olah is the main promoter of the "methanol economy", which studies alternative solutions to fossil fuels for environmental protection. By Alessandro Bagno.

Pages: 64 - Price: € 12.00
ISBN: 9788883232527 - Year of publication: October 2010 Publisher

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Seminars Psycho-genealogy

These are two days when, after a theoretical and explanatory of the method, its origins and its values, you can draw the Genosciogrammi of participants, please fill up large sheets of paper hanging, with notes and colors, commenting.
  • Saturday 23 and Sunday, October 24, 2010
  • Saturday 18 and Sunday, December 19, 2010
  • Saturday 22 and Sunday, January 23, 2010
From 10.30 to 18.30 at the cultural association Verba Manent ... Lessona Via, 46 - Torino just steps from Park Pellerina
Metro: Rivoli, Bus: 2 / 13 / / 29/32/65/71
Information: 3409345394 - maura.saita @