their way to say goodbye to the 2011, 2010!
Oggi si saluta il vecchio anno, il 2010.
E' stato un anno intenso, sono diventato Papà, di una bellissima Bimba, Elena.
Sono riuscito a prendere la Patente!
E tra tanti incasinamenti quotidiani, ho anche lavorato.
E per festeggiare questa giornata, un piccolo omaggio, un resonto di quanto fatto nel 2010.
tutto chiuso in un piccolo video di 1:34 secondi. (ovviamente, I realized I am not a professional ... I'm discovering after effect from a few days without a manual ... so pity .... eheheh:)). With
within a small preview of what I might wait until 2011.
Aguri A hug and a good holiday everyone!
See you in the new year Wagle! Carmine
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Side Effects Of Tetralysal
Odysseus was lost for the moment ....
update on this little event.
update due to all those with private messages and e-mail on FB, I ask for news.
Then post here for everyone.
Currently, the project has been a freeze, not to my will.
oudeis The project is currently suspended, not closed by mistake, but still. At the moment
Cinik records, and Nicholas Herman of which should produce major works, animation and music entertainment, are embedded on other work, and linger are the times of realization, and as it is freed, it will bounce back.
When I could not tell, nor how and when, but I'll keep you updated when I can.
I hope you soon on this subject I care a lot, with a positive update. Carmine

update on this little event.
update due to all those with private messages and e-mail on FB, I ask for news.
Then post here for everyone.
Currently, the project has been a freeze, not to my will.
oudeis The project is currently suspended, not closed by mistake, but still. At the moment
Cinik records, and Nicholas Herman of which should produce major works, animation and music entertainment, are embedded on other work, and linger are the times of realization, and as it is freed, it will bounce back.
When I could not tell, nor how and when, but I'll keep you updated when I can.
I hope you soon on this subject I care a lot, with a positive update. Carmine
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Ulcer On Gums
Meanwhile, my 2010 ends in a modo e il nuovo anno lo si inizia in un'altro...
Come?... Ebbene si, dal 2011 non appena troverò un'offerta valida per una macchina di seconda mano, sarò in grado di potermi spostare da solo, senza mezzi pubblici.
Ho preso la Patente!!!!!
comunque prima di uscire avvertirò tutti, in modo da poterci organizzare e lasciare le strade libere!
Anno nuovo... nuovo carmine
:) si fa per dire... :)
Meanwhile, my 2010 ends in a modo e il nuovo anno lo si inizia in un'altro...
Come?... Ebbene si, dal 2011 non appena troverò un'offerta valida per una macchina di seconda mano, sarò in grado di potermi spostare da solo, senza mezzi pubblici.
Ho preso la Patente!!!!!
comunque prima di uscire avvertirò tutti, in modo da poterci organizzare e lasciare le strade libere!
Anno nuovo... nuovo carmine
:) si fa per dire... :)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Frustration Game Instructions
The pleasures of every day for healthy living. Interview with Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy
Walking in the rain, drinking a cup of coffee on a terrace, swim in the morning, plan a trip. These are just some examples of pleasure, according to the tastes of every person who can revitalize your body, wake it up even during the most difficult diseases and even help them in care. Or so says the psychologist Argentina Bissone Jeufroy Evelyne, who has spent most of his life studying and working in France, author of new book: Four daily pleasures, at least!
The awakening of body and soul, a book that explains the beneficial effects of pleasure on the body and spirit, and gives us the recipe for its implementation. We are able to live in suffering and think that it is natural that we had to. The author explains that often we spend our lives without realizing that many of our activities, even the routine can become liberators. So the psychologist calls us to enter into a contract with us to use the same pleasure as an act of freedom, and realize that this enriches our health, and allows us to return to a state of joy and peace interior that is contagious and transform our environment.
The awakening of body and soul, a book that explains the beneficial effects of pleasure on the body and spirit, and gives us the recipe for its implementation. We are able to live in suffering and think that it is natural that we had to. The author explains that often we spend our lives without realizing that many of our activities, even the routine can become liberators. So the psychologist calls us to enter into a contract with us to use the same pleasure as an act of freedom, and realize that this enriches our health, and allows us to return to a state of joy and peace interior that is contagious and transform our environment.
How do you find pleasure?
For starters, do not talk about drugs or drinking because it is a passive happiness. We speak of free time. This does not mean go out and buy a lot of things because we feel bad, take the time or always working to fill our gaps. It is putting the body in a state of pleasure. There is talk of a simple pleasure, which has some positive effects, very important to the body, which may help in treating certain diseases.
Planning a trip, take a coffee on the terrace, walking in the rain. The pleasures are very personal, but also the more mundane pleasures need not be done automatically, we must be aware of what happens in the body with such pleasure.
We tend to forget and put aside the pleasures?
When we are in difficulty, too much stress, pain or we are in difficult moments of our lives, we forget those happy moments, and the pain takes over on our mood. This is what I tried listening to patients who suffer from their performance at work or in moments of transition, change of job, retirement, or personal problems. I help them understand that it is very important for the body with the pleasure of trying to win back the trust, this performance makes us grow, make us more dynamic.
What is the method to find at least four daily pleasures?
is putting together a list of 25 to 30 personal pleasures, and realize day by day. We must try to achieve pleasure. You can make your own, with friends and relatives, the couple could be today, tomorrow, in a week, or three or five years, but it must be realized. Must be positive activities that help us to feel able to fight, is the awareness of life is beautiful as well as the body's defenses will be affected positively.
must seek pleasure every day?
The pleasure is fleeting, you must look for every day. The body gets used to receive welfare from the pleasure and we realize that something is missing, we must ask what is missing, and start looking. Pleasure is a recipe, is a strategy. We must write them on paper and put them in a place where we will remember, because in difficult times of great stress or pain you forget those pleasures, and we can draw on when the body is suffering more.
In your book you say that pleasure is an act of freedom. What do you mean?
The pleasure we can offer is a gift. Do not allow to express pleasure is like being held hostage by the suffering. Moreover, the pleasure is contagious, and when we are full of happiness, even the environment around us benefit from them.
This book is therefore an invitation to the banquet of life. Each of us has within it the potential for a revolution. It seems to do is find those pleasures and consciously put into your body, the body sometimes wins, but sometimes it's just lazy.
Di Renzo Editore
Monday, December 20, 2010
How To Get Air Out Of Underfloor
syndrome ancestors
a directivity, a mother taking charge of the protagonist, a devotion to duty - I would say - father, by a professional ninety years old, almost blind and Deficient di deambulazione, che hanno letteralmente smosso gli animi e le menti pensanti di tutti i presenti, psicodrammatisti e non! Si potrebbe anche menzionare l'interesse recente della comunità psicodrammatica italiana rispetto ai temi del coinconscio e del transgenerazionale (si pensi ai workshop condotti da Manuela Maciel organizzati a Milano negli ultimi anni dall'AlPsiM e dall'Associazione Metodi Attivi).
you ask the reason for the review of a book that now belongs to the classics of literature psychodrama. It might be enough to affirm the international reputation of its author, Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, whose work in recent years has been published and reprinted in Italy by Di Renzo Editore . It could also refer to his presence last year in Rome during the last Congress of IAGP: Who was conducting this recall psychodrama of the protagonist during his last workshop.
a directivity, a mother taking charge of the protagonist, a devotion to duty - I would say - father, by a professional ninety years old, almost blind and Deficient di deambulazione, che hanno letteralmente smosso gli animi e le menti pensanti di tutti i presenti, psicodrammatisti e non! Si potrebbe anche menzionare l'interesse recente della comunità psicodrammatica italiana rispetto ai temi del coinconscio e del transgenerazionale (si pensi ai workshop condotti da Manuela Maciel organizzati a Milano negli ultimi anni dall'AlPsiM e dall'Associazione Metodi Attivi).
Infine non possiamo non citare anche il rilievo internazionale che il transgenerazionale sta avendo: nel mese di ottobre del 2010 c'è stata la Prima Conferenza sul Transgenerazionale a Lisbona organizzata da allievi della Schützenberger, Manuela Maciel e Leandra Perrotta , e by Mark Wentworth, the inventor of the technique of the auxiliary incognito.
In the text considered the author, according to his professional experience, presents the clinical efficacy of transgenerational psychotherapy - to be fair not supported by scientific evidence (but I think it is up to the new generations of colleagues working for this purpose.) However, it is surprising to read the descriptions made in the course of his treatment that tell of associations between the lives of those cared for and their ancestors, even famous people, until you reach even the seventh generation.
The choice of foundational Schützenberger è quella di concepire l'identità dell'individuo come costrutto a partire dalla storia propria di ciascuno, che è fatta di storia familiare così come di storia personale nonché di appartenenze ad un contesto storico-sociale-economico. Scopriamo così i concetti di lealtà invisibili e di sindrome dell'anniversario, che non sono altro che la testimonianza dell'esistenza della trasmissione generazionale. La raccolta di tali informazioni, che diventa allo stesso tempo un esame anamnestico e un primo disvelamento del mondo interno del paziente, avviene grazie alla tecnica del genosociogramma, di cui il testo è ricco di esempi.
Per gli psicodrammatisti tale testo può essere assai utile nella clinical practice as it is as if, within the "frame" psychotherapy, the genosociogramma represents the size psychodiagnostic: through an understanding of family dynamics and emotional investment of the atom to other significant social and family through the collection - I would say anamnestic - all those useful information to capture those elements of personal history of the individual-oriented psychodrama psychotherapist can give life to an initial diagnosis that may influence the work trattamentale following through psychodrama. The community is considered psychodramatists - both colleagues from the guidelines is the same psychodramatists - a breeding ground for men Action, not accustomed to thinking and communication make its actions. Our magazine , Classic Psychodrama, there is also to dispel this common place. And I discover that the so-called classics of literature psychodramatic can serve the same cause.
Ivan Fossati
Di Renzo Editore
Friday, December 10, 2010
How Much Is A Ceragem
Leica S1
Leica S1 was born fourteen years ago (1996) and it seemed only right to remember this little post with a spectacular machine that only knows her Leica, unfortunately unknown to the public.
From the design of the machine senses that is farthest from the series M and, in hindsight, from any other machine.
E 'obviously a printing studio, or rather, a museum for the digitization of the works.
The system revolved around a CCD by the considerable size of 36x36mm and with a resolution that, even today, is the prerogative of the digital medium format: 26 megapixel .
The file that came out had a resolution of 5140x5140 with a color depth of 12 bits.
ISO sensitivity was 50 but had a dynamic range that after fourteen years is a record: 11 stop.
The Phase One P65 back (current) reaches stop 13 and the maximum value available today in digital ... but must be considered that the Leica S1 is the last century.
work connected directly to the computer and the acquisition of un fotogramma occorrevano 185 secondi(!!!).
Sono state prodotte solamente 160 fotocamere Leica S1; la produzione esigua e le caratteristiche tecniche fanno di questa macchina un vero e proprio gioiello.
Tutto questo per dire che Leica, con i suoi alti e bassi, rappresenta comunque il pilastro della fotografia sia essa analogica che digitale, in quanto espressione massima della tecnica degli apparecchi fotografici.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Chevrolet Malibu Wagon 1977
A journey ended and a new one opens with new visions in my suitcase
of: Frank Beadle
of: Frank Beadle
from the beginning, from the time when I participated in the contest , because that's where it started relationship with the text and the author. E 'from the place where I am with myself that a book crosses the threshold della mia lettura e della mia vita. E’ il momento della scelta e non è mai casuale. E’ la ricerca che nasce dal desiderio di allargare l’orizzonte della mia vita, nutrendo ciò che sento come bisogno, anche di ciò che non conosco ancora.
Dopo un lutto, che elaboro ancora, senza fretta, dopo la fase più difficile in cui anche solo sentire la parola piacere era una ribellione totale, il respiro ha cominciato a farsi più lungo, i muscoli più distesi e la mente più sgombra. S’è creato uno spazio. Uno spazio di lieve curiosità, in altra parole la vitalità ha ripreso a scorrere e puntuali ecco arrivare stimoli, aperture e possibilità. In questo “luogo interiore” è arrivata Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy col suo libro. Si, perché è lo scrittore che incontro prima del contenuto. Evelyne (amichevolmente), trovo abbia avuto coraggio nel presentare una visione che incontra ancora critiche e porte chiuse perché troppo poco “scientifica” . Il tempo, di cui c’è sempre bisogno, farà il suo corso e anche nel mondo accademico ci saranno trasformazioni, ovviamente anche grazie ad autori e professionisti che s’impegnano a scriverne. I casi clinici e di vita di cui racconta non sono prove della veridicità del metodo, o meglio, sarebbe meglio non leggerli in questo modo (anche se credo che Evelyne se ne serva per suffragare la sua pratica) ma come travel notes from which to let himself be touched even if only a few words or sounds made in our lives. Like a light touch that can turn a curiosity, a question that no one has ever put a doubt in relation to a conviction strengthened. This book is a possibility. It 's so that I read it. Where flows too fast and does not explore the many steps in the path of the person is narrating, it is in that empty space that the reader / individual can move freely, without any thrusts by the therapist / author and maybe ask him to have that sense those lines. E 'in this space as a therapist because I like Evelyne unobtrusive with his personality, ma capace di tracciare un contenitore sicuro entro cui il paziente può cercare, sperimentare, sbagliare, anche perdersi per ritrovarsi sulle sue gambe. Evelyne la consiglierei come terapeuta ed anche il suo piccolo libro.
Dopo un lutto, che elaboro ancora, senza fretta, dopo la fase più difficile in cui anche solo sentire la parola piacere era una ribellione totale, il respiro ha cominciato a farsi più lungo, i muscoli più distesi e la mente più sgombra. S’è creato uno spazio. Uno spazio di lieve curiosità, in altra parole la vitalità ha ripreso a scorrere e puntuali ecco arrivare stimoli, aperture e possibilità. In questo “luogo interiore” è arrivata Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy col suo libro. Si, perché è lo scrittore che incontro prima del contenuto. Evelyne (amichevolmente), trovo abbia avuto coraggio nel presentare una visione che incontra ancora critiche e porte chiuse perché troppo poco “scientifica” . Il tempo, di cui c’è sempre bisogno, farà il suo corso e anche nel mondo accademico ci saranno trasformazioni, ovviamente anche grazie ad autori e professionisti che s’impegnano a scriverne. I casi clinici e di vita di cui racconta non sono prove della veridicità del metodo, o meglio, sarebbe meglio non leggerli in questo modo (anche se credo che Evelyne se ne serva per suffragare la sua pratica) ma come travel notes from which to let himself be touched even if only a few words or sounds made in our lives. Like a light touch that can turn a curiosity, a question that no one has ever put a doubt in relation to a conviction strengthened. This book is a possibility. It 's so that I read it. Where flows too fast and does not explore the many steps in the path of the person is narrating, it is in that empty space that the reader / individual can move freely, without any thrusts by the therapist / author and maybe ask him to have that sense those lines. E 'in this space as a therapist because I like Evelyne unobtrusive with his personality, ma capace di tracciare un contenitore sicuro entro cui il paziente può cercare, sperimentare, sbagliare, anche perdersi per ritrovarsi sulle sue gambe. Evelyne la consiglierei come terapeuta ed anche il suo piccolo libro.
A me sta servendo.
Questo libro arriva dopo “ Uscire dal lutto ” e non è un caso. Perché andare nel proprio vero piacere , nella gioia, nell’apprezzamento e nella soddisfazione è un percorso, non è né un metodo né qualcosa che si trova là fuori acquistabile o da assumere. Il piacere va cercato dentro e tirato fuori con una mole di coraggio enorme, why take responsibility in the hands of one's life is difficult, painful and tiring. But if that is what is our essence, who we really are, then this journey will be worth it.
The two texts should be read together and I do not understand how it can work in terms of publishing, but it is worth thinking about it and find a better creative solution.
And now a word to the publisher. Bravo! Thank you for this space, which in itself can be filled always leaving the maze in which those who have something to tell to do to continue this adventurous journey that is life.
Di Renzo Publisher
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Do You Need A Receipt To Return Broken Items?
Christmas gifts? No problem! Four
For the first year Di Renzo Editore, offers for the festive season a special 50% discount on a portion of its catalog. Books that are not on the shelves of libraries, sixty titles overtime to give without spending crazy.
The offer is valid for one day starting from 8:30 December 9 December 10 at 8:30 . Taking advantage of the opportunity of free shipping for orders above 35 € christmas gifts this year cost very little.
Di Renzo Editore
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Fusion Extensions Damage
pleasures day (for a better life)
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Did you know that a death or a bad marriage weaken the effectiveness of a flu shot? The discovery, published in April four years ago the Herald Tribune, was picked up by Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy, , psychologist, author of the book, published recently, " Four daily pleasures, at least! - The benefits of pleasure on the body and spirit - Di Renzo Editore, which is confirmed in the highest good of Juvenal, that a healthy mind is also only when the body is in good health. Scrolling pages of the manual states that the study was conducted on 180 people over the age of sixty-five, who have filled a detailed questionnaire concerning recent events in their lives: a social framework, health, environment, emotional, and so on. One month after vaccination, the researchers found that 33 percent of people who had suffered a bereavement in the previous year did not react well to the virus.
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Di Renzo Editore
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