Monday, July 31, 2006

Polyp On Gallbladder During Pregnancy

Eh, I do, they do ...

The holiday lasts until next Tuesday.
As I'm sorry, oh, how I'm sorry, but there was no room on the flights this week!
The situation is this:
  • since I arrived I was in the sun for a total of just over 4 hours and now I have a burn on the shoulders of the sixth grade. I will be 18 years since the brunt sole.Forse'm slowly but surely starting to look like a worries, there is no other explanation. Backs red, rubber sandals, hats and fisherman's vest. This, alas, is what awaits me a few years! Or - even worse - when I get home, I'll do it in style Pasquale Amitrano.
  • me my nephew is chopping. Literally. She follows me like a shadow, from the sea to the kitchen, bathroom and pc to keep repeating, sounding silly, things like "Auntie, but what a pity that so little remains, I love you so, you could not stay a little more?. And that is why I find myself walking around with lucciconi and constantly pulling up his nose.
  • 'm a rotation of watermelon. I can say that I eat mainly of this, I would have already invented a portable toilet.
  • In my absence, Sean began to play in Civilization (IV or V, I do not know) rub model in the sense that I do not know how to detach it from there when I return.

And that's it.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Glow In The Dark Paintballs

The you have it!

As the climate "Amarcord" in dimunuire network does not seem, indeed, I leave you this. A pill that Sunday should come to a bout of nostalgia to many. Not at all, but many!
And now I go to the sea, which (still) does not rain! :)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Swishers Vs Blunt Wraps

No, I say ...

E ti pareva? Io vado al mare e che succede?
Ma che palle! : (

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Invitation Wording For Husbands 30th Birhtday


La breve, ma intensa vacanza inizia tra poco più di un'ora.
Dunque, un saluto a tutti, felici giornate e fresche nottate!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Enable Farmville News Feed


Ma non riesco a togliermi il motivetto dalla mente!

Visual Merchandiser Cover Letter Example

Same beach, same sea

Domani parto per una brevissima vacanza a Roma. Una settimana per rivedere la mia famiglia e poi di nuovo in Germania per cominciare a preparare il trasloco. Ottobre sembra lontano, ma in reality is not far when it comes to close two lives in a pile of cardboard boxes. This time I want to do things slowly!

that I hate the sea I never thought to say it, but I can not wait to enjoy a couple of days on the beach! It is true that we do not realize the importance of something until you lose the ability to have it available. I am the sea I have always taken for granted: 15 minutes by car and I arrived. Yet there was never, I never will. Mannheim from the nearest beach in Liguria I think, I would say not feasible for a dip on the fly! Yet now I think if I am moved almost to the sea!

From tomorrow I see myself also engaged in sensational binge eating mozzarella, ice cream and watermelon. Is there any other classic summer that I'm forgetting?

soon, then. Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Red Luna Theme For Windows Xp

As a bass! Effects of Warm

In these days I have an awful dream! I
dreams long and complex, much more like movies that unconscious thoughts!
crazy stories and intricate, and city environments ever seen, people do not know, positive, serene atmosphere, but also people who want me to pieces with a butcher knife (though I never in my dreams do not die!).
And then one of my two recurring dreams that once I've done very, very often.

I find myself swimming in the sea and I feel happy, at peace, perfectly quiet. I dive and go back under there are fish, seaweed and starfish. At one point, are under water for a while 'and starts gasping for air. Can I go back, but I can not find the surface, are trapped and I'm going to choke. He takes my anxiety, I think they are the last moments of life. I'm going to die and I can not help it. I want to breathe, I feel the physical need, so I try - so I have nothing to lose. And to my utter surprise, I can do it. I can, I can breathe underwater! And so I start to swim in her delight, breathing like a fish, as if I had ever done.

News python on: the police stopped and searched Brunhilde will forever remain a myth town. Too bad, I was fond of us!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Shag Bands Color Mean

A couple of days ago, the regional TG, gave the news of a giant snake sighted in the waters of the Neckar, the longest river in Mannheim. The alarm was raised Tuesday night after a fisherman had seen, for the second consecutive evening, the reptile swimming in the river for several hundred feet, before disappearing under water.
Police have diligently explored the stretch of river, but to no avail. If the description of the fisherman had to be real, however, it is a python around three meters long.
Pare inoltre che, dopo aver sentito la notizia, altre persone si siano fatte avanti dichiarando d'aver avvistato anche loro il serpentone nello stesso fiume.
La Germania come la foresta pluviale? A giudicare dal caldo umido di questi ultimi giorni, non potrei esserne più convinta e l'idea di un serpente che sguazza nell'acqua mi risulta perfino plausibile! In ogni caso, seppur improbabile, la notizia diverte la gente di qui e il pitone gigante è già leggenda. Tanto che la TV locale ha indetto un televoto per trovare un nome alla nuova mascotte della città: la scelta è tra Brunhilde e Neckie!

In Germania fa caldo, ragazzi. Il caldo da alla testa...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What Adapter Does Italy Use

Twix Albino and Other Diversity

I saw, I bought it! Limited edition (or endangered?) At the supermarket, a rare albino version of Twix! But there is in Italy?
However I was not convinced, rarity is not good. Although it is an irreducible greedy white chocolate, I much prefer the original version.

Every time I make a trip, after streets, monuments and museums, I like the tourists even in supermarkets. I like to get a bit 'quotidianetà in a foreign country, discover the habits of the people on the shelves, the products most beloved, understand what are the foods that are rare for me and for other food flavors are almost scontati.

Dopo molti anni, a volte mi capita ancora di stupirmi persino di alcune abitudini tedesche.
In Germania si fa quasi sempre un solo pasto importante al giorno, che può essere il pranzo o la cena. In genere, comunque, la sera si mangia poco: insalate o zuppe, ma più spesso semplicemente del pane con formaggi e salumi.
E cosa si beve? La risposta può spaventare: succhi di frutta o bevande altamente gasate. Ho visto gente abbinare succo di mela ad un piatto di salmone affumicato, o succo di mirtilli con carne alla brace. L'acqua non frizzante (leggi " non spaventosamente frizzante"!) in Germania non è quasi neanche contemplata, fatta eccezione per marche francesi dai prezzi inaccessibli tipo Evian o Vittel. L'acqua in generale non piace moltissimo, lo deduco quando negli scaffali del supermercato vedo spuntare acque aromatizzate alla fragola, alla mela, al limone. Insomma, il sapore neutro non è amato dai tedeschi e questo spiega anche il perché, ogni volta che vado da qualche parte e chiedo dell'acqua, io che bevo SOLO quella, vengo guardata con sorpresa!

Vivere qui mi piace anche per questo. Ogni giorno per me è una scoperta, un confronto, una nuova curiosità. Il confronto, se preso sul giusto piano, lo trovo enormemente stimolante e divertente. La diversità aiuta e apre la mente.
La verità, in ogni caso, è che ognuno ha i suoi gusti - in ogni campo e in ogni occasione - e questo for me it is an indisputable fact. And change habits, sometimes, it does not hurt anyone, right?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bath House In Sacramento

Low Pressure

In these days is very hot and the humidity reaches very high levels. Every now m'illudo can get some 'fresh from the almost daily thunderstorms. But summer storms, you know, I'm the phony: thunder and rant, but only for a few minutes after the brief outbursts, everything is as before. A bit 'like me when I have Paturnie, in fact.

My blood pressure has reached all-time low and this takes away a lot of desire to do.
days are apathetic and a bit 'lazy, I feel like autumn leaves and gingerbread and sweet apple and cinnamon. It keeps me active
only the organization of the new house. Now I started a small collection of catalogs of furniture, pencils and small meters of paper. I recall from memory sizes, colors, numbers, codes, prices, electrical outlets and water pipes. The move is scheduled for October and already I feel better knowing that apartment of the former owner. Match
our tastes with our budget is not easy, however. In principle, I can say that we like the same things, although Sean has developed a feeling of love towards his horrible old furniture. It does not have the heart to discard them, so we are reaching a compromise. In essence, I fear that they will end to furnish the cellar, I see no other solution ...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

How Long Do Tooth Whitening Gels Expire

I do not know him yet

We have spent two hours but in the end, just when I began to seriously doubt the presence of gray matter in the skulls of both, we did it!
If you like the genre, if you're stubborn and especially if you have time to lose. Because I tell you now: it creates high dependency!
Grow Cube

Monday, July 10, 2006

What Does A Scorpio Man Need?

My World 2006

In 1982 I was 9 years old. We were not living in Italy and what I remember are the enthusiastic cries of my parents and other Italians, the hugs, banners, the regulatory drive around the streets of the fascinating and beautiful city that is Dakar, with the horn led to exhaustion and passers-by who celebrated with us as if we knew.

's been 24 years. I do not live in Italy and this evening I will remember the smallest details. The screams, the hugs, the flags, the regulatory drive around the streets of Mannheim with the horn driven to exhaustion - or deafness - and a whistle breathless and dizzy. Or maybe it's the fault of the beer? I do not know.
Get some 'fresh air on my face, I lean out the car window to be able to make better waving the tricolor. The people who go celebrate with us as if we knew, most of them Italian, but there are also many Germans (those sports, or gnawing a bit 'less!) that does not deny us a round of applause and a cry of joy or a smile .

The Water Tower is illuminated by some fireworks, somewhat ahead of - or providentially preserved - the last New Year. We reached on foot after leaving the car at home. The festival is big and heavy. You sleep a little tonight and tomorrow there is work, such as inclement every Monday. But can you really sleep a wink last night?
No, the excitement is too much, my heart still beats strong. At 3:30 they are still around the house that I do not know what to do.
Penso che mi piacerebbe essere a Roma, stanotte. Mi piacerebbe essere a casa a festeggiare. Domani telefono a tutti, voglio parlare con tutti, sapere cosa hanno fatto loro e che cosa ricorderanno di una notte come questa che sarà da raccontare!
Sperando che non sia fra altri 24 anni.

Epilogo del mio Mondiale 2006.
La gioia di aver vinto il Mondiale 2006 diventa entusiasmo se si vince contro l'arroganza di una Francia che, come da copione, ci dava già per secondi prima ancora che la gara iniziasse.
Peccato, poi, quella tremenda caduta di stile di un grande campione come Zidane che, anziché entrare nella storia del calcio con la corona in testa, ci entra insozzato di fango (diciamo fango!) fino al collo. Non importa se ingiustamente provocato, offeso o insultato. Mi dispiace, ma la classe, per me, non va mai sottovalutata e credo fermamente che il vero campione non si distingua solamente per il numero di reti segnate o nell'eleganza dei movimenti.
nella foto: festa alla Wasserturm. Due passanti con gigantesca Coppa del Mondo!