The Sky Above Mannheim
you know those songs that you hear once and you are planted in the heart forever? This for me is one of those. Kidnapped by the chorus that turns me in the head even when I hear the music, under a sky that I've never seen so beautiful, I will leave as a wish for peace. Ché ce n'è bisogno e noi, gente, siamo davvero Fortunati , non ce lo dimentichiamo mai.
Was wir alleine nicht schaffen
Das schaffen wir dann zusammen
Dazu brauchen wir keinerlei Waffen
Unsere Waffe nennt sich unser Verstand
Und was wir alleine nicht schaffen
Das schaffen wir dann zusammen
Nur wir müssen geduldig sein
Dann dauert es nicht mehr lang
libera traduzione:
What we can not do alone, then we will set
why we do not need no weapons
our weapon is called Reason
And what we can not do for ourselves then we will set
We just have to be patient
Why will not last much more
Two lines on Xavier Naidoo: It is one of our most famous citizens in Germany. Born and raised in Mannheim, sensitive and intelligent writing music and sings with a voice resounding in my opinion. Very good live. I would say "shame that songs in German, but I actually really like this detail and begin to use it instead of some lessons of the language course. Good evening
at all.
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