After exactly three years of use (and study) Intensive Nikon is about to close the first "era" of my photography, the next step will be totally different, and, in the words of De Andrè " towards obstinate and contrary."
There have been years of owning a Leica M was the only way to shoot a decent, but now with digital, the Japanese giant has obscured the supremacy of German technical and relegated to the Leica M to an ever smaller niche.
What is the reason that prompts me to spend on a car with a body of an old technology sensor (CCD) and with obvious limitations of usability compared to the habit?
photos with Leica M means no autofocus, zoom, right view of the scene and much more.
With what I've spent a M9 + 35mm f / 2 you might as well buy a full frame professional SLR, a 24-70 f/2.8 and a 70-200 f/2.8 stabilized targets of extraordinary quality that they can cover by only 99% of the "photographic situations."
So ... Leica M9 why?
compactness of the camera: the M9 has a large sensor dimensioni (24x36mm) in un corpo estremamente piccolo, ergo, sarà sempre (o quasi) possibile portarla con me.
L'assenza dello specchio, oltre a "silenziare" lo scatto, riduce la distanza fra l'ultima lente dell'obiettivo e il sensore, la differenza di volume d'aria, permette ad un obiettivo Leica di avere molta più nitidezza del pari-focale reflex.
Ultimo ma non per importanza.. il bokeh , in italiano: sfocato, gli obiettivi Leica sono progettati (oltre ad avere una resa uniforme ed eccellente) per restituire le parti dell'immagine fuori fuoco il più possibile simili a come le vede l'occhio umano.
Sottigliezze? Ovviamente sì.. ma non sono i dettagli che fanno the difference?
De gustibus ..
Leica M or love or hate.
From "Young" and the top Go reflex hyper when I read the characteristics of the Leica MP did not understand the meaning of that camera, film is completely mechanical and manual to a disproportionate price.
then "growing" I refined palate, did not think it serves a 10-300mm f/1.2, but that can easily become a 35mm, a 28mm with a step back and a 50mm with a step, that is to focus manually possible for those who started with autofocus etc etc..
not have to wait this blessed delivery scheduled for mid-August .. yes because for the M9 also expects much from Solms leaving only 35 per day, the entire production of Leica lenses (from 1913 to present) is lower than the annual Nikon lenses (!!!), the Germans? O handicrafts mechanically and optically perfect?
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