of Art and beauty to the absolute delight
Most of us are sensitive to art, one or other of its forms. Some fall into a trance in front of the portal of the cathedral of Vézelay , others listening to a Mozart concerto, and others in front of a sculpture by Michelangelo, and others by reading a poem by Baudelaire. The art, which manifests itself through architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance, photography or any other word which gives life to matter and body, affecting the very essence of emotion.
From: Four daily pleasures, at least! - Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy - Di Renzo Editore
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
How To Remove Ikea Lots Mirror
Ireland 2008
Questo video è l'estratto di un viaggio fra gennaio e febbraio 2008 in Irlanda.
Ovviamente è una visione assolutamente incompleta , ma personale.
L'attrezzatura usata è una reflex Nikon D100 e due obiettivi Nikkor: 18-70mm f/3,5-4,5 e 50mm f/1.8.
Commenti e/o critiche sempre ben accetti.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Church Anniversary Ad
Denying welfare causes damage to the pleasures
Denying welfare and pleasure for pursuit of perfection so that everything remains in place it is unfortunately common. Think of the fireplaces that are empty because the fire of burning dirty, or all the services of beautiful glasses, all the ceramic plates or fine china, lined up in closets because they do not break, they are often replaced by chipped dishes and glasses by mayonnaise. Yet a beautifully served table gives a feeling of joy and celebration, a nice wood fire warms the body and mind, awakens all our senses and stimulates them: la cinestesia per il calore sulla pelle e il rilassamento dei muscoli, l’olfatto grazie al profumo della legna che si consuma, l’udito per la musica del crepitio e la vista grazie ai continui e infiniti giochi delle fiamme.
I danni causati dall’esagerata ricerca della perfezione sono numerosi. Così, durante un consulto, una paziente fa partecipe il suo psichiatra di un particolare problema: vorrebbe invitare a casa la sua famiglia, ma avendo da poco fatto mettere una moquette bianca nel salone, è molto seccata all’idea che i suoi nipotini possano sporcarla. Il medico le chiede di chiudere gli occhi e di immaginarsi sola a casa sua con la moquette bianca intatta. Le lascia il tempo di visualizzare this picture, he asks her what she says and try to feel a great sense of loneliness, an emptiness and an overwhelming silence. It makes it so mind that wants to see his grandchildren and that the white carpet of love is less important that it receives and which can give them.
From "Four pleasures of a day at least! " - Di Renzo Editore
Di Renzo Editore
Stretching Welded Wire
Four days at least!
The book Four daily pleasures, at least! is coming out in October. The text may already be booked on site at direnzo.it http://www.direnzo.it/prenotazioni/prenotazioni.php
If the book is booked along with the book Sum of metaphysical terms of Giordano Bruno by Judge Guido order confirmation will be sent a welcome gift. A USB stick containing an E-book.
Di Renzo Editore
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Watch Digital Playground Movies For Free
Leica M9 workflow
E' impensabile acquistare una fotocamera con un sensore CCD da 18 megapixel ed usare i "jpeg on-camera".
La M9 pretende di essere usata con i DNG, a meno che non ci si accontenti della qualità di una reflex di qualche anno fà, ma a mio avviso è un po' mortificante sia per l'utente che per la macchina.
Con l'acquisto della M9, si possono scaricare gratuitamente due licenze di Adobe Lightroom 3 (per Mac o PC), il software di Apple che usa il motore di elaborazione Camera Raw 6.
file with any rendering differences between version 2 and 3 of the program are large, with the DNG M9, are enormous.
files out of the camera weighs 37 Mb each, Tiff output from the program to uncompressed 16-bit 103 Mb, it is obvious that you need plenty of storage space.
It 'clear that a large amount of files so we need a good computer program to allow the demosaicing files in a reasonable time.
My Pentium 4 660 (3.60 GHz), once the pride of the single-core Intel, takes 15 seconds for each file, and I'm just talking about demosaicing , to which we must then add the time required to make various changes to the parameters of the image and saving to TIFF.
The digital noise is very low and takes the typical pitting the grain of old films silver, while the sharpness remains high.
The automatic white balance does an excellent job in many situations, a few years from now, probably , this parameter will be totally automated. The
exposure adjustment of M9 allows files to recover, without alteration of colors, at least one stop, is that overexposure underexposure ... course is for the photographer to expose properly at the time of the shot, but since no one is infallible (nor help ...), I always comfortable.
The new version 3 is the introduction of lens correction, which automatically corrects for vignetting and chromatic aberrations.
Unfortunately, the Leica lenses have not yet been "profiled" and then in case of need is to be executed manually to correct these defects.
Leica M9, \u200b\u200bworking with a good program for processing raw, yields excellent color files up to 1600 ISO, with exceptional clarity and superior to the size 100x70cm prints (200 dpi) using the sensitivity of ISO 2000 or 2500 is perhaps appropriate to reduce the print size or make the conversion in b / n.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Wife In Her Girdle
Anger, rage, anger listed as the third step to quit mourning usually pours always on a case-offering. Anger over the loss of work always spills over colleagues, "Why me, that is incompetent, a very big idiot."
In divorce is to blame sempre del coniuge. Per i malati che non accettano la loro malattia la rabbia si riversa sul personale medico e paramedico o peggio ancora sulle persone care che godono di buona salute e cercano di alleviare il dolore con la compassione. Tutta la collera che una persona prova, può essere "impegnata" per creare o partecipare attivamente alle associazioni per malati.
Di Renzo Editore
Why Do Men Wear A Rubberband Around Their Wrist
The steps to get out of mourning
Qualsiasi dolore irrisolto ci impedisce di vivere. I motivi sono molti, una perdita di denaro, le preoccupazioni, la lontananza dal proprio paese, la perdita del lavoro. A forza di accumulare, inghiottire le nostre lacrime, diveniamo fragili. Uscire dal lutto (Di Renzo Editore) explains with great clarity the various stages of grief, as recharge for help and avoid mistakes. E 'need to work on this issue to bring death to its rightful place and learn to live differently.
We are taught to win, to fight, to overcome the difficulties. Any change, any loss, mourning is a destabilizing, causing stress, sleep loss , the mind is no longer free, no longer have the powers to take decisions and requires a postive and a new adaptation new equilibrium.
E 'need to recuperate, to forgive or accept, in the heart find peace and serenity, giving a new meaning to their lives. This quick guide provides the means to achieve it.
The steps to get out of mourning are in shape before descending and then ascending. It touches the bottom and then you have to go back.
Di Renzo Editore
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ap Bio Cell Respiration 5 Lab Answers
Acquista i libri di Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
decisive, although difficult to live it, is the stage of sadness, the rest are rare in our entourage, those who accept us sad, because it is intrusive, annoying and tired.
We do not feel at ease in front of the grief and mourning , the suffering of others, to serious illness and death, particularly the fact that we no longer have time for anything, more time to live and more time eating, more time to breathe is not given "time to time", the one needed for the development of a bereavement and the healing of a pain.
This sadness must actually live it fully, because later, when the loss is perceived in its real size, you accept the absence of the loved one, you can mourn and begin the ascent towards life.
Why now? Why is not my husband (my wife), my son (my daughter), or without my breasts? For me, life has no meaning any longer, I do not ever recover it's too hard ... At this point, the person acquires the full knowledge that the facts are inexorable, and that nothing can be more change in things and in the dramas of life. Negative feelings are transformed into "circle chiuso” di eventi che si ripetono con l’impressione che il dolore non avrà mai termine.
E improvvisamente, un sorriso, una parola, una mano tesa, un raggio di sole, un fiore che sboccia, un profumo, il canto di un uccello che si ode di nuovo… e qualche cosa cambia, l’orizzonte si rischiara, la vita dolcemente ricomincia. Si esce dal vicolo cieco della perdita, della “ruminazione”, del rasserenamento, del lutto senza fine. Inizia allora la risalita.
Acquista i libri di Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
Di Renzo Editore
Monday, September 13, 2010
Church Anniversary Ad Samples
Tele body and transference
"A translation of feelings about the person of the doctor ... ready in the patient .. transferred to the person of the doctor during the analytic treatment ... As long as its translation is preceded by a plus sign, it is of the medical authorities and are converted into confidence in its communications and concepts ... His feelings are not in the present situation and not intended for the person of the doctor, but he repeated something that has already happened before "(Freud, Collected Works, Vol VIII, pp. 591-594).
The concept of transference gradually developed dall'ipnotismo and suggestion. Mesmer, hypnotists and old-school thought that something flowed from the psychiatrist to the patient, putting him under hypnosis. Later, when Bernheim showed that a patient may enter alone in a hypnotic state through autosuggestion, the conclusion was that all that mattered was the mind of the patient. He is both a hypnotist and patient. Thus, the personality of the hypnotist and external psychiatrist seemed negligible. Psychoanalysis further investigate the issue and demonstrated that the patient, identifying the psychiatrist with some products of his imagination, to project emotions on the psychiatrist. The psychoanalyst, aware of this mental process of the patient, makes it the basis of treatment. The spontaneity and psychodramatic work pushed us to a vision of patient-physician relationship clearer and wider. In the psychoanalytic situation, there is only the person making the positive or negative transference the patient. There is only one pole. The psychiatrist is considered a target agent, at least during treatment, free from emotional implications, present only to analyze the patient's material that sets. But it's so only in appearance. Perhaps only because the patient is analyzed.
Di Renzo Editore
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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The appearance of the memory books of family
I tramautismi can be seen and discovered by the transmission of images, smells, sounds, tastes, changes in body temperature, for example: "to be frozen," "icy cold feeling ',' drop dead heat." Sometimes physical sensations arise, cinestatiche, such as running, choking, smell or taste, sweat, feel good, relaxed, happy, free, or tired, distressed, oppressed, terrorized.
These images and queste sensazioni non sono vissute come allucinazioni, ma come avvenimenti profondamente reali – un avvenimento rivissuto – e questi malesseri o infortuni-incidenti-traumatismi possono continuare a passare di generazione in generazione e ciò spesso fino alla quattordicesima generazione o anche oltre.
Questo sguardo più lucido sugli avvenimenti familiari e il loro contesto « psicostorico », completato ed ottenuto dalla psicogenealogia, modifica la nostra comprensione della natura dello spirito umano e dei sentimenti, della storia individuale e familiare, ma anche della psicoterapia e della psicoanalisi. Questa prospettiva chiarisce le ripetizioni familiari e contribuisce a superare numerosi drammi, difficulties, the duplication of accidents and disease.
Di Renzo Editore
Pirate Ship Names And Parts
Schützenberger in Turin
in Turin will be the protagonists of the texts Schützenberger . It begins with Portici paper, the event now in its fourth edition. At the booth of the library Legolibri will present all texts published in Italy the author of Best Sellers " syndrome ancestors." On October 7 at 21:00 at the library Legolibri (via maria vittoria 31) Professor Maurizio Gasseau professor of psychology and dynamics Leandra Perrotta professor of English at the University of Aosta will present the new book of French psychologist " The pleasure of living."
Di Renzo Editore
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Glam Pencil Skirt Outfits
Lie to me on Rete4
The protagonist is called and Tim Roth plays Dr. Cal Lightman, a psychologist and student of human behavior, the non-verbal language, that uncontrolled facial expressions.
The psychologist works with the FBI and local police to identify offenders in difficult cases. The character played by Tim Roth was inspired by the studies of Dr. American psychologist Paul Ekman , project FACS (coding system, facial expressions) and author of The Seduction of lies (Di Renzo Editore). The TV series came to the second edition and broadcast by FOX also landed on the digital Freeview on Rete 4 on Saturday night from September 11.
Di Renzo Editore
Monday, September 6, 2010
Brazil Primary Sector
It's never too late
There is a beneficial aspect in the method " The pleasure of living" and that is to occupy the mind of the sick. People who have serious medical conditions are often sad and hopeless, they feel they have no future or to be kept alive.
must " force them" to do things in a pleasant way. He is asked to make a list of things they do or they would do, like drinking coffee being quiet open air, listening to music, take a trip ...
For example, someone might want to receive good news, to receive visits from friends, to leave the hospital for just two hours, or see his sister who is abroad, or learning to play the piano.
thinking and thinking, this sort of "analysis" I saw him in a beautiful film with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson entitled " It's never too late " in 2007. The two characters, one (Jack Nicholson) industrial magnate and owner of a hospital and the other (Freeman) Mechanical meet by chance in a hospital room for both terminally ill. Although completely different not want to wait for the sad fate and write a list of things I wanted to rediscover oneself. A wonderful story with two amazing actors.
Di Renzo Editore
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Matures Wearing Stockings
Nitidezza ESTREMA.

What you see is the 100% crop of a photo taken with Leica M9 at 400 ISO and Leica 50mm Summicron-M 1:2.
The crop is taken in the far left edge of the photograph, taken of course wide open.
As you can see, the area in focus is focus.
But now comes the fun ... the goal, put under stress by a 18-megapixel sensor was assembled in 1960 (!!!), the optical design dates back to 1956.
So after 54 years of planning this goal is still able to give exceptional performance in extreme conditions.
The 50mm Nikon or Canon designed the new millennium, much less about pixel density sensors are unable to come up with the same results.
Leica is often ruled out a priori for the higher costs that requires ... but how many goals we can use Canon or Nikon 1960 with satisfaction today without fear of "dark" of megapixels? Zero.
Leica is possible.
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