decisive, although difficult to live it, is the stage of sadness, the rest are rare in our entourage, those who accept us sad, because it is intrusive, annoying and tired.
We do not feel at ease in front of the grief and mourning , the suffering of others, to serious illness and death, particularly the fact that we no longer have time for anything, more time to live and more time eating, more time to breathe is not given "time to time", the one needed for the development of a bereavement and the healing of a pain.
This sadness must actually live it fully, because later, when the loss is perceived in its real size, you accept the absence of the loved one, you can mourn and begin the ascent towards life.
Why now? Why is not my husband (my wife), my son (my daughter), or without my breasts? For me, life has no meaning any longer, I do not ever recover it's too hard ... At this point, the person acquires the full knowledge that the facts are inexorable, and that nothing can be more change in things and in the dramas of life. Negative feelings are transformed into "circle chiuso” di eventi che si ripetono con l’impressione che il dolore non avrà mai termine.
E improvvisamente, un sorriso, una parola, una mano tesa, un raggio di sole, un fiore che sboccia, un profumo, il canto di un uccello che si ode di nuovo… e qualche cosa cambia, l’orizzonte si rischiara, la vita dolcemente ricomincia. Si esce dal vicolo cieco della perdita, della “ruminazione”, del rasserenamento, del lutto senza fine. Inizia allora la risalita.
Acquista i libri di Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
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