Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kates Playground Complete Sets

Perchè ti innamorerai di lei...

A this link you can find a shot that integrates the crop at 100% of a portion of it.
taken with a Leica M9 and a Leica Summicron 1:2 / 35mm ASPH.
machine set at 320 ISO, 1/24s (freehand!), Goal punched f / 2.
Draw your own conclusions.

Holiday Retirement Communities

I thought would not make it .. instead ... Ja

With le mani e con i piedi...
Stanco come un mulo da soma, e i polpastrelli dell'indice e pollice addormentati..., ma vivo!
8 pagine in tre giorni.... è stata durissima..., e ammetto che sto invecchiando, e inizio a sentire la fatica....
E da parte mia, dopo aver affrontato l'armatura per due pagine...., è aumentata l'ammirazione nei confronti dei disegnatori di Iron Man...
Tanto di cappello!
Comunque come avete capito, molto presto, e sarà per pochissime pagine, sarò di nuovo sul vendicatore d'acciaio e il suo amico guerrigliero.
Adesso mi vado a riposare e godermi Elena!
A presto Wagliò!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spinner Bike Crankshaft

the babe? bho ... DAI DAI DAI!

Lo sono sono assentissimo questo periodo... molto caotico e frenetico per certi aspetti...
le comunicazioni si interropono per un pò...
Ho una missione impossibile da affrontare....
Salvare War Machine!
8 pagine in 3 giorni...
mi rifaccio vivo.... se ne esco vivo.....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Preg Test Day Before Period Due

Four pleasures

Give yourself every day at least four small pleasures: a purpose so easy to make people smile. Yet a large number of people can not even write down a list! But the pleasure you recharge your batteries, makes us dynamic drives away fatigue, relaxes us, allows us to heal, give us the joy. We reconnect to our bodies, to others and the world. But above all, is a gateway to spirituality. Victim of her own grief and painful trials, Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy could, thanks to the method of pleasures, the taste and the energy recovered to live here and explains how to find the colors of life. Illustrated by numerous cases, the work is accessible to all.

I find that especially the last sentence of the back cover is essential. When it comes to psychology books often "not experts" are frightened and desist. In fact, sometimes happen to find books not available to everyone. In this case, do not worry. This booklet is smooth and full of examples that help us better understand the issue addressed. I think we can learn a lot by reading it. He explains the importance of breathing, mindset with which we do things, because we are stressed and why somatization. To resolve this problem could not be simpler! Indulge in the pleasures of even small with the knowledge that is our body that needs it.

Cheats Pokemon Soul Silver R4

Interpretation of Dreams

The brain works continuously sending "news" to the body that allows him to take actions and movements, but also think and dream. Even during sleep the brain processes information, develops the actions taken during the day and modifies them in dreams. But what are dreams? How does the brain and the human body when we dream?

The questioning man about the meaning and significance of the dream has roots far back in time. Since ancient times, when dreams were to appear as something obscure to people not yet traversed by the specific culture or by the wind of civilization, human curiosity has always pushed to a survey of this mysterious and unique process of the mind.

Why do we dream? What meaning have the dream images? What is the future of the mind in the age of the brain?

Here are five titles Di Renzo Editore to deepen the subject:

Aldo Carotenuto - In the world of dreams

J. Allan Hobson - Dreaming
A new vision for the mind-brain

Semir Zeki - With the eyes of the brain

Michael Gazzaniga - The interpreter
How the brain decodes the world

Aldo Carotenuto - My life for the unconscious

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

California Driver Licscence Templates

Soft release

Soft release "LFI" on Leica M9

Con l'avvento delle reflex digitali, soprattutto dopo l'arrivo della cosi detta tropicalizzazione , il foro universale per lo scatto flessibile è andato via via scomparendo.
Si tratta di un foro di diametro universale posto sopra al pulsante di scatto.
Nasce per ospitare lo scatto flessibile, ma oggi, dove tutto è “ digital ” si è perso, sostituito dagli scatti remoti elettronici.
E' sicuramente un giovamento per la salute della macchina in quanto quel foto mette a contatto il “fuori” con il “dentro” and since any machine consists of an electronic / electrical and mechanical, it is very easy that even a single drop of water can do great damage.

In the Leica M cameras, including digital, except for M9 Titanium , the hole for the cable release continues, confirming the ferry you want in the future (in all respects) a body of 1954 .
At this forum you can assign a different purpose than that of the cable release: Host a soft release.
Soft release is nothing but an extra button that can be screwed on to the shutter button (See photo) , using precisely the universal hole that I mentioned above.
The advantage is the fact that lengthening the stroke of the shot, but maintaining the necessary strength to pressure, it has a softer step, " soft" to be exact.
also closes a dangerous opening in the camera, preventing infiltration of water or dust can damage the camera.
I use the soft release recently, but I can say with certainty that the gain is at least one stop . Typically my time is around security 1/60-1/45 of a second, with the soft release sono in grado di scattare a 1/30s nella maggior parte dei casi e ad un 1/24s quando sono fortunato! La Leica M9 può essere impostata nella modalità "Soft" che garantisce uno scatto più morbido (perdendo però il blocco dell'esposizione quando si lavora in "A"), ma con i pochi euro del soft release si può realmente guadagnare almeno uno stop, in una fotocamera che agli alti ISO non eccelle, credo sia un bel guadagno.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Softair Desert Eagle Gold


Afghan Girl - Steve McCurrt (1984)

Molto semplicisticamente, per parlare di Kodachrome, ho put the most famous photo taken with this formidable emulsion.

is the American photographer Steve McCurry and the photo was taken in 1984 in a refugee camp for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan.
E 'superfluous to comment on the richness of detail in this photo and especially the colors.

The red, with the advent of digital technology has become the nightmare of all color photography, Kodachrome for was easy as all the other colors.
I wrote "was" because we just developed the last roll of this fantastic film, now out of production with the advent of digital.
The digital analog that has cannibalized the market did not spare even the Kodachrome film, color reversal invented in 1935.
Steve McCurry has been entrusted to the last roll and this gallery you can see the latest images of seventy-five year history of color photography.

Even Simon & Garfunkel had dedicated a song titled just " Kodakchrome .
Where on one hand enhance the quality of the film: "They Those give us nice colors ... Makes you think all the world's a sunny day "maybe the other one foresaw that one day this film was no longer available" So mama do not take my Kodachrome away ".

Today digital sensors have resolution and sensitivity unthinkable, but blocked by the filter Bayer, never will return the colors of Kodachrome and how they should strive to emulate through software ... is the randomness magic against the accuracy of analog digital.

There is a regret of those who, perhaps, have been able to enjoy those colors but hazy by digital technology have not been spent on a roll.