The brain works continuously sending "news" to the body that allows him to take actions and movements, but also think and dream. Even during sleep the brain processes information, develops the actions taken during the day and modifies them in dreams. But what are dreams? How does the brain and the human body when we dream?
The questioning man about the meaning and significance of the dream has roots far back in time. Since ancient times, when dreams were to appear as something obscure to people not yet traversed by the specific culture or by the wind of civilization, human curiosity has always pushed to a survey of this mysterious and unique process of the mind.
Why do we dream? What meaning have the dream images? What is the future of the mind in the age of the brain?
Here are five titles Di Renzo Editore to deepen the subject:
Aldo Carotenuto - In the world of dreams
J. Allan Hobson - Dreaming
A new vision for the mind-brain
Semir Zeki - With the eyes of the brain
Michael Gazzaniga - The interpreter
How the brain decodes the world
Aldo Carotenuto - My life for the unconscious
How the brain decodes the world
Aldo Carotenuto - My life for the unconscious
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