It 'obvious that, with the prices and the absence of Leica optical zoom lens choice in a rangefinder camera is very delicate.
While traditional photography in the standard lens is 50mm, those who used and uses Leica has always regarded as the 35mm standard lens.
Leica currently produces three: Summarit (f/2.5), Summicron ASPH. (f/2) e Summilux ASPH. (f/1.4).
La scelta del 35mm è stata dettata dal fatto che un 28mm sarebbe stato troppo ampio in alcuni casi e il 50mm troppo stretto in altri... in medio stat virtus .
Scartato a priori il Summarit perchè poco luminoso e il Summilux perchè troppo costoso, non mi è rimasta altra scelta che il Summicron ASPH.
Del Summicron ne esistono quattro versioni, l'ASPH. è la più recente, inizio pruduzione nel 1997 ed è universalmente considerato come il migliore 35mm f/2 mai prodotto.
Having it used on the M6, it is not easy to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be sharp.
The 18 megapixel M9, forcing him instead to a showdown, which comes out a winner in any situation.
The sharpness is from edge to edge even at maximum aperture, I have tried many different goals in my studio but this is the only one so far, really usable at maximum aperture.
The merit of this surplus of sharpness is due mostly to the aspherical lens (Leica ASPH.), introduced only last version.
The disadvantage of an aspheric design is that the bokeh of progression with a passage lost focus / out of focus more sharply compared with a typical footprint Leica objectives.
One camera, one lens.
been established that the optical quality is superb, it is necessary to mention the use of this objective.
My choice, for economic reasons, was to " One bedroom, one lens " that is a camera and one lens (at least for the moment).
difficult choice that leads to compromises, it is impossible for a goal as far as performance, is able to meet all photographic situations.
35mm The obligation to be part of the scene and this consequently implies that the photographer is not an actor and spectator.
This for me was and is a problem because photographs are "shy" is not easy to point a camera, as it is small and not very visible in people's faces.
The 50mm might be the solution? Certainly, but it would be too easy and could be the opposite problem: having too narrow a focus.
E 'must therefore continue to "train" to enter the scene, the only way to fully capture the philosophy of rangefinder cameras.
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