Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Happens When You Swallow Fish Bone

Germania 08/2007

Germania 2007: Monaco di Baviera e Berlino.
Periodo: dal 13/08 al 20/08 compresi.
Moto: BMW K1100LT del 1994.
Durata: 8 giorni.
Lunghezza viaggio: 3000 km.
Pernottamenti: presso strutture alberghiere prenotate prima della partenza.
Partecipanti: Solo io.

Preparazione moto:
La preparazione della moto è consistita in un tagliando completo effettuato personalmente intervenendo come segue:

- Cambio olio motore e filtro.
- Cambio olio cardano.
- Cambio filtro benzina.
- Cambio cavo frizione. (quello sostituito portato dietro come ricambio)
- Cambio cavo acceleratore. (quello sostituito portato dietro come ricambio)
- Spurgo impianto frenante e ABS.
- Sostituzione liquido freni e ABS.

I cavi li ho sostituiti in quanto non conoscevo il loro stato di usura.

Inoltre ho portato con me:
- 4 candele di ricambio.
- Kit riparazione gomme.
- Fusibili assortiti dei vari amperaggi presenti sulla moto.
- 2-wire of 3 meters each. battery.

overnight reservations:

I have booked hotels in the suburbs because there was no need for me to have any kind of services at hand as I moved the bike. The service that I required was only overnight and possibility of garage to house the bike in a safe place for the night.
Spending on hotels (4 stars) in Monaco 2 nights 3 nights in Berlin and one night in Monaco during re-entry was about 360 €.
In Monaco I was at 11 km from the center. In Berlin, 23 km from the center.

Travel and travel:

The trip to Monaco and then on to Berlin was made entirely on motorways, because the goal was to visit the two cities.

Monaco: the style is a city of Florence as size, construction, etc..
town very quiet, clean and tidy in the Teutonic style. In Bavaria, the Italians are welcome and the Bavarians are very friendly and hospitable and do not regret our motherland. In
bike on the streets of Monaco is very well traveled: the condition of the road surface is always excellent. Given the presence in some areas of the tram network is needed more attention as it passes over the tracks that can often be tricky.
Berlin is a metropolis. Yet fascinating contrasts between the east and the west and throughout history we breathe inside.
The western part is characterized by modern US-style skyscrapers. The eastern part is still characterized by high concrete tower blocks in almost constant and a constant gray sadly. The city is really huge and not just one week to turn it all ... In
bike on the streets of Berlin travel discreetly: the traffic is considerable and some intersections are so huge (you can cross up to four lanes in each direction separated by a turn 2 / 3 tram lines!) To stay disoriented in the midst of them, but no one rants or sound the horn. Road users Germans are very polite and tolerant, and understand and respect the limits and difficulties of a motorcyclist. The road is not always on top, but even under the worst is never like that of many of our national roads.
in Berlin is also the tram line and therefore require the attention of the case.
The road network in Berlin is very complicated and intricate, and its size does not make the task easier to move inside.

In both cities, I used the navigator Tom Tom Europe 2nd Edition. " In Berlin I found a lot of detours due to construction work in progress and the Tom Tom has always recalculated quickly and effective route to your destination.


The return was done with an intermediate stop and stay at Monaco.
From Berlin to Monaco I came along Czechoslovakia, to go to greet the German friends who live about 200 km from the Czech border. From there I went to Monaco, where to stay and then return home.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fake Id Toronto Yonge Street


Travel ... the man has always traveled by any means .... I chose the bike.
travel by motorcycle is an experience like no other: you go through that part of the environment, the places you see ... you're able to feel every single profumo, il caldo, il freddo, la pioggia, l'infinito...
Non si scende da un'aereo catapultati da un posto all'altro come per magia...
Non si attraversano i luoghi a bordo di una comoda auto dotata di ogni confort.... moto è essenza...tu, lei e nient' minimo indispensabile...è un'esperienza indescrivibile...
Fino ad oggi ho sempre viaggiato solo....
Viaggiare in solitaria è sempre una bellissima esperienza...Le sensazioni che si provano in certe situazioni non sono descrivibili.
Affrontare viaggi di una certa lunghezza spazio/temporale ci mette a stretto contatto con noi stessi...misurandoci, soprattutto se ci troviamo in difficoltà. Inoltre c'è il vantaggio di non avere vincoli con altri, tenere il proprio ritmo con i propri tempi senza dover star dietro a nessuno.
E' vero... talvolta manca di non poter condividere con nessuno certe emozioni, certe sensazioni, certi momenti... Viaggiare da soli è un'esperienza da fare e da ripetere, ma indubbiamente se condivisa con qualcuno è pure meglio.

by Matteo

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wedding Favor Wording

The Party of pundits

Here is another pundit, after President Ascom, we missed the party retired executive of Biella.

letter published on the Biellese 17/02/2009
"The four workers to three supermarket chains that are complaining about the work on public holidays, they should read the desperate appeal, which appeared in these columns a few weeks ago, of that father remained jobless who wondered if she was going to steal to get the milk to her son. Here's hoping they've found a solution, otherwise we invite you to introduce yourself to the supermarkets to take over for you. those who work on public holidays retrieves the rest in weekdays. there are endless rows of workers who sacrifice holidays. People have transportation, nelle case di riposo, negli ospedali, i contadini e via dicendo con un lunghissimo elenco. Le vostre considerazioni, il grande Totò, le avrebbe definite "pinzillacchere" di fronte alla necessità di uno stipendio. Tenetevi stretto questo impiego e sperate che possa durare. Se siamo diventati"turistici" è l'ultima spiaggia, ma dubito che ciò possa risollevare interamente l'economia della nostra terra. Per fare i turisti e acquisti nei fine settimana, bisogna avere il portafogli ben pieno e da noi si è sempre riempito con il tanto lavoro offerto dalle industrie locali e all'indotto. Spero che abbiate un buon contratto con tutti i contributi previdenziali per un domani sereno. Il "Partito Pensionati non segue solo i pensionati di oggi ma anche those of tomorrow. Whatever the party that voted today, tomorrow you will certainly be of the "Seniors" (at least you hope so)

Gianpiero Vallivero
(Governing Party of Pensioners Biella)