Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Countertop Convection Oven As Dehydrator

my battle ... Letter to the President

These days some people, specifically the city council, have decided to make common tourist Biella cheers.
Finally we open our eyes to all the beauty around us, we live in an area full of attractions that we often forget, let's have the Piazza, the Burcina, the sanctuary, the beak, giant carrots, nuraghe etc. .. and a few kilometers lakes, ski slopes, nature reserves will be hosting events where built structures, created Hotels, new infrastructure will increase jobs and our little town will come back to life!
error deleted all these dreams, the only real reason for this is to open shopping malls, supermarkets and shops on Sundays and all holidays.
Hurray we go shopping and spending your time on Sunday and Christmas Day. Hurray finally
parents can make their children play in a clean, heated, enclosed where the rain can not drench.
But you want to put dirty while running in a meadow surrounded by flowers, trees, sun ... better run down the aisles of pasta biscuits and toilet paper. Want to make a trip
the snow with a good race between the food. And what a drag to go to the playground on the swing, much better than climbing on shelves, or do stunts on trucks.
Really all I want for you and your children is this? Really these poor children will not know the pleasure of a walk outside with their parents, the pleasure of spending a few hours shopping without stress? And these children are adults?
Not to mention the children of those people who, like me, in those centers work there, unfortunately for them there is even the right to have lunch with their parents, the only day when everyone is home, perhaps children of these people are second-class?
What should find all these people through the shelves of department stores on Sunday? Happiness? I believe that the best mall in the world does not have this item on their shelves. Maybe the place to have some chance of finding it is in the eyes of their wives, or children and think that it would be enough for a smile, a caress, a kiss.
At this point, given that Sunday will be a day like any other open all, for the first kindergartens and schools in order to enable working families to have a foothold, then post offices, banks, and do not forget Social Security and inail offices of the City Council since for them it is not a problem to decide on Sunday degli altri non dovrebbero avere dei problemi a lavorare anche nei giorni festivi.
Evviva il progresso……

Caterina e famiglia

Monday, November 17, 2008

Calgary Restaurants Allergies

ASCOM Biella

INVIATA IL 10/01/2009
Vorrei esprimere il mio parere a proposito delle domeniche lavorative nel commercio.Sicuramente chi come voi decide le sorti di noi "poveri" lavoratori del commercio non lavora la domenica ma si arroga il diritto di decidere per quelle degli altri senza alcuna ragione vera se non quella dettata dai soldi che le grosse società elargiscono.Io semplice dipendente con pochi soldi in banca non ho neanche più il diritto di passare la domenica con la mia famiglia grazie a personaggi come il Presidente ASCOM e il Sindaco che si inventano comuni turistici fantasmi dove l'unico posto che dovrebbe essere aperto vedi ATL è chiuso domenica e prefestivi. Sicuramente queste persone il sabato e la domenica non lavorano, grazie ancora caro Presidente per la sua fantastica battaglia. Non replichi per favore sciorinando i nuovi posti di lavoro che le domeniche hanno portato. Chieda a quei poveri part-time DOMENICALI con contratto a termine fine Gennaio quanto ha cambiato la loro vita questo posto di lavoro provvisorio. Chieda a tutti i lavoratori del commercio quanto sono contenti di passare le loro domeniche al lavoro. Chieda a tutti i commercianti (che lei rappresenta) quanto sono contenti di lavorare 7 giorni su 7 e quanto gli costa una sola domenica di apertura. Ma perchè non prende esempio dalle parole del suo collega Turin, sensible person and employee of the TG region on Sunday that said how unfair to employees and owners of small openings on Sundays and public holidays as well as unnecessary for the development of the sector might be lower in Biella, Turin? Try out of curiosity to visit the blog: www. amicidicaterina.blogspot.com and maybe you will realize how dissatisfied there is between us and commercial workers begin to defend the people it represents. If you expect to collect signatures that we are ready! Sincerely, Caterina Taverniti committed.

How To Reinstall Wlan

A "normal" Sunday ignorant

Yesterday Shop open Sunday, 16.11.2008 at 9.00 .....
8:10 am ...
I hear a knock on the external window of the shop and in a manner molto "gentile" mi viene chiesto a che ora abbiamo intenzione di aprire....
Ore 8.30...
-Apertura porte esterne e parcheggio. Una sola serranda aperta a metà due signori non più giovani si chinano passano sotto la serranda e "gentilmente" chiedono:
" vorrei il quotidiano " "scusi è chiuso apriamo alle 9.00" " Beh non le costa nulla darmi il quotidiano " ripeto "scusi siamo chiusi" " allora facciamo un giro nel negozio " ripeto "scusi è chiuso" " non compriamo niente facciamo solo un giro" " E' CHIUSO" forse hanno capito....
Ore 8.45...
-opening shutters ... 6 / 7 people jumped in with the cart. We must pursue them and bring them out ...
10.00 am ...
-time a customer buys a mobile phone estimated to sell about 5 minutes .... Three clients launch their newspaper in a bad way because you can not wait all this time to pay for a newspaper .... Sure I can understand them too on Sunday morning (if not processed) to 10.00 I quickly .... perhaps at that very moment the first human landing on Mars is an event not to miss poor people have traveled for 6 months ....
10.30 am ...
a dear lady tells me I do not understand why the mobile phone charger that I sold the day before, the electrical outlet (not the attack of the cell) rectangular and not round like that at home ....
11.30 am ...
- " because you have removed the posters of the CD Pausini reservation?" "We never had the cd Pausini reservation" unless he knows what sells is what we do behind that counter? But that looks to serve people who put " my education does not allow me to respond. ...
last lunch my only thought is "I can not go in there for another 5 hours with these depressed unable to live who think they can go out and be rude. Do not remember which is Sunday .... Sunday ... Sunday ... and my family is home alone ... no I can not allow ...."
forgot was one of those beautiful days that perhaps Captain 3 / 4 times per year there was a cloud .... blessed are the ignorant ...
Hello Catherine

Burst Capillary On Lip

Calling all

Send all mail to the Regional President Mercedes Bresso to protest against Sunday opening.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Does Using A Dvr Count Towards A Shows Ratings

impossible question .....

everyday life behind a desk to serve Customer:

Good-day, where I can find a breathing dust? (Vacuum)
-I could write a paper bla bla bla! (Vodafone card)
-101 has a refill? (Charging for mobile phones) I would like a G-
for mobile phones! (1GB memory for mobile phones) has a
-vofon? (Vodafone charge)
-Tim I need a number ... can I choose the 011 prefix knows ..... I moved to Torino (No comment) I would be reimbursed
-I bought the wine corked ... sorry but the bottle is empty ... of course we drank it all!!
-this phone does not work but is still under warranty you need to change ... has the receipt? ... I have not bought mica here ...
- card or ATM card? cartamat
to be continued ...... E if anyone has any other goodies that send them update the list.