Quale obiettivo?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Antisocial Famous People
Leica & Isaac Newton
If Newton had never invented gravity Leichisti i have much less trouble!
Everything is attracted by our planet and, unfortunately, even the cameras.
fall I saw a Nikon D300 from one meter and a half and not get anything at all, to my M9 forty centimeters were enough to send the calibration of the unit vertically on vacation.
And while this happens trauma does not lack the neo-photographer friend (tax) comes out with a " Pem did! ", but to spit up, you know, sooner or later it falls on the head .....
The body was not affected by the fall but the rangefinder showed a slight (but annoying) vertical prong.
So while the car was to take place the rangefinder I stayed almost a week without equipment.
Despite the cost cutting is that of a Fiat there was another problem near the red dot (which must be removed for calibration) a technician who claimed to have " hands of the party " probably quel giorno indossava quelle di Los Sanfermines, ha asportato due frammenti di vernice.
Colpa di Newton quindi e delle mie mani, un importante lezione per il futuro.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Black Woman Strangling Man
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
What Happened With Barby Kelly
La Serenissima
" Si è sempre dato per scontato che Venezia è la città ideale per una luna di miele, ma è un grave errore. Vivere a Venezia, o semplicemente visitarla, significa innamorarsene e nel cuore non resta più posto per altro. "
[Peggy Guggenheim]
Any criticism and / or comment is always welcome !
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Signature Headgear Adjust
It 'obvious that, with the prices and the absence of Leica optical zoom lens choice in a rangefinder camera is very delicate.
While traditional photography in the standard lens is 50mm, those who used and uses Leica has always regarded as the 35mm standard lens.
Leica currently produces three: Summarit (f/2.5), Summicron ASPH. (f/2) e Summilux ASPH. (f/1.4).
La scelta del 35mm è stata dettata dal fatto che un 28mm sarebbe stato troppo ampio in alcuni casi e il 50mm troppo stretto in altri... in medio stat virtus .
Scartato a priori il Summarit perchè poco luminoso e il Summilux perchè troppo costoso, non mi è rimasta altra scelta che il Summicron ASPH.
Del Summicron ne esistono quattro versioni, l'ASPH. è la più recente, inizio pruduzione nel 1997 ed è universalmente considerato come il migliore 35mm f/2 mai prodotto.
Having it used on the M6, it is not easy to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be sharp.
The 18 megapixel M9, forcing him instead to a showdown, which comes out a winner in any situation.
The sharpness is from edge to edge even at maximum aperture, I have tried many different goals in my studio but this is the only one so far, really usable at maximum aperture.
The merit of this surplus of sharpness is due mostly to the aspherical lens (Leica ASPH.), introduced only last version.
The disadvantage of an aspheric design is that the bokeh of progression with a passage lost focus / out of focus more sharply compared with a typical footprint Leica objectives.
One camera, one lens.
been established that the optical quality is superb, it is necessary to mention the use of this objective.
My choice, for economic reasons, was to " One bedroom, one lens " that is a camera and one lens (at least for the moment).
difficult choice that leads to compromises, it is impossible for a goal as far as performance, is able to meet all photographic situations.
35mm The obligation to be part of the scene and this consequently implies that the photographer is not an actor and spectator.
This for me was and is a problem because photographs are "shy" is not easy to point a camera, as it is small and not very visible in people's faces.
The 50mm might be the solution? Certainly, but it would be too easy and could be the opposite problem: having too narrow a focus.
E 'must therefore continue to "train" to enter the scene, the only way to fully capture the philosophy of rangefinder cameras.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A Day To Ovulation Is My Mucus Thick
I think that we can not comment on the value of these words. immense.
Least Busy Dmv In California
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Opening And Closing Prayers For Ladies Program
If I give you a name, I'll be
As I read the book The Ancestor Syndrome (Ed. Di Renzo) of Schuetzenberger, I began to reflect on the importance of having a name. All items that we know have a name and when you make a discovery, invention, I think one of the first things that comes to mind, is to find a name. Put all the letters and name is considered to have magical power, the power to make things exist, to create, to make them real. To whom can I have in clinical practice patients who did not want to appoint a feeling, because that would make him real and we would have had to face?
Who has not ever feel a sense of discomfort when they are not the words (Or word!) To describe a feeling, a feeling? Then I came back to mind while studying for an exam, turn in the text was written that there are many more concepts, what we are actually able to give a name. On second thought is just that, but luckily there are other languages \u200b\u200bthat come to help.
Ah! what a wonderful feeling I felt when I heard of the term dialect annigghio. How well this term describes the tightness that you feel when you feel surrounded by so many stimuli / things and you do not find their way. How nice it feels to say that Rangers: without a precise destination. The lack of terms of a language can be compensated dalle altre lingue. Come avviene con i termini inglesi solitude e lonelyness.
Nel testo della Schuetzenberger si parla di come il nome di battesimo sia fondante dell’identità dell’individuo. Il cognome non si può scegliere, ma il nome si. Può riflettere una tradizione familiare, una scelta religiosa, dovuta alla moda, o il tentativo di aprire i confini e rompere con la tradizione. Si può decidere un nome che piaccia e basta o di un parente deceduto. Talvolta il nome di una persone è indicativo della sua provenienza, delle sue origini. Per esempio i nomi religiosi sono più diffusi nel sud Italia.
Il solo nome di battesimo ci dà già delle informazioni sulla nostra famiglia o su chi lo sceglie. The name is the first inheritance we receive. The first word of our family history. The name is one of the bases of identity, reminding us of Schuetzenberger. Ask a person why it is called, becomes an excellent starting point for biographical of his family. The reconstruction of identity both in terms of pedigree, both psychological and complicated, but in his book is the explanation of how it worked at the patient a genosociogramma. Perhaps psychologists avran've heard and used the genogram.
For non-professionals, the genogram is done starting from the patient's name and put it around the names of people and animals significant for the patient, with arrows indicating the type of relationship between the patient and others and by inserting the key dates in his life. The graphic design alone can already give indications about the type of personality of the person. The
genosociogramma beyond. It 'a real family tree (which you can also add people extrafamiliari important for the patient), where significant events are recorded and all the dates they occurred. By doing so the author has found that family secrets and / or unspoken, illness, accidents and various disasters, not only were found in the patient's life, but who were also present in the lives of suoi antenati.
Ciò che i suoi predecessori non avevano risolto nelle loro vite, veniva come lasciato in eredità ai posteri, che si trovavano così ad affrontare i loro traumi irrisolti. La Schuetzenberger comincia il suo libro descrivendo i presupposti teorici alla base del genosociogramma e delle sue scoperte, e accompagna per mano il lettore attraverso Sindromi da anniversario, Doppie sindromi da anniversario, Venti di proiettili, Incesti genealogici. Man mano che si procede, si passa da un testo didattico a un romanzo avvincente, che rende veloce la lettura. Rimane un grande quesito irrisolto. Come avviene questa trasmissione tra le generazioni?
C. G. Jung riteneva che esistesse una eredità psychic. And if so? And if in addition to genetic inheritance, there was also a past heritage psychic?
Looking ahead to this hypothesis, the first impression is that it leaves the "facts" scientific, but actually may not be far-fetched. Then I think of the name we gave our son Ross. Two years before the birth I dreamed that I was pregnant, which was male and that his name was Ross. Who knows how to interpret the Schuetzenberger that Ross is so called because of a premonitory dream?
Dr. Luigina Fist
Di Renzo Editore
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Presario V6000 Coprocesador Que Hace
Huff ....
tired ... Finished
other 7 pages for War Machine.
And now before they get other directives, is back in battle in the Pacific!
And as he wrote some time ago my colleague Mark Checchetto "...:
start shooting too 'I my little cartridges .....
DICK! I finished AMMUNITION !!!!!
I'd better rest a bit:)
Wagle Hello and see you soon!

Huff ....
tired ... Finished
other 7 pages for War Machine.

And now before they get other directives, is back in battle in the Pacific!
And as he wrote some time ago my colleague Mark Checchetto "...:
start shooting too 'I my little cartridges .....
DICK! I finished AMMUNITION !!!!!

I'd better rest a bit:)
Wagle Hello and see you soon!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Kates Playground Complete Sets
Perchè ti innamorerai di lei...
taken with a Leica M9 and a Leica Summicron 1:2 / 35mm ASPH.
machine set at 320 ISO, 1/24s (freehand!), Goal punched f / 2.
Draw your own conclusions.
Holiday Retirement Communities
I thought would not make it .. instead ... Ja
With le mani e con i piedi...
Stanco come un mulo da soma, e i polpastrelli dell'indice e pollice addormentati..., ma vivo!
8 pagine in tre giorni.... è stata durissima..., e ammetto che sto invecchiando, e inizio a sentire la fatica....
E da parte mia, dopo aver affrontato l'armatura per due pagine...., è aumentata l'ammirazione nei confronti dei disegnatori di Iron Man...
Tanto di cappello!
Comunque come avete capito, molto presto, e sarà per pochissime pagine, sarò di nuovo sul vendicatore d'acciaio e il suo amico guerrigliero.
Adesso mi vado a riposare e godermi Elena!
A presto Wagliò!

With le mani e con i piedi...
Stanco come un mulo da soma, e i polpastrelli dell'indice e pollice addormentati..., ma vivo!
8 pagine in tre giorni.... è stata durissima..., e ammetto che sto invecchiando, e inizio a sentire la fatica....
E da parte mia, dopo aver affrontato l'armatura per due pagine...., è aumentata l'ammirazione nei confronti dei disegnatori di Iron Man...
Tanto di cappello!
Comunque come avete capito, molto presto, e sarà per pochissime pagine, sarò di nuovo sul vendicatore d'acciaio e il suo amico guerrigliero.
Adesso mi vado a riposare e godermi Elena!
A presto Wagliò!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Spinner Bike Crankshaft
the babe? bho ... DAI DAI DAI!
Lo sono sono assentissimo questo periodo... molto caotico e frenetico per certi aspetti...
le comunicazioni si interropono per un pò...
Ho una missione impossibile da affrontare....
Salvare War Machine!
8 pagine in 3 giorni...
mi rifaccio vivo.... se ne esco vivo.....
Lo sono sono assentissimo questo periodo... molto caotico e frenetico per certi aspetti...
le comunicazioni si interropono per un pò...
Ho una missione impossibile da affrontare....
Salvare War Machine!
8 pagine in 3 giorni...
mi rifaccio vivo.... se ne esco vivo.....
Monday, January 17, 2011
Preg Test Day Before Period Due
Four pleasures
Give yourself every day at least four small pleasures: a purpose so easy to make people smile. Yet a large number of people can not even write down a list! But the pleasure you recharge your batteries, makes us dynamic drives away fatigue, relaxes us, allows us to heal, give us the joy. We reconnect to our bodies, to others and the world. But above all, is a gateway to spirituality. Victim of her own grief and painful trials, Evelyne Bissone Jeufroy could, thanks to the method of pleasures, the taste and the energy recovered to live here and explains how to find the colors of life. Illustrated by numerous cases, the work is accessible to all.
I find that especially the last sentence of the back cover is essential. When it comes to psychology books often "not experts" are frightened and desist. In fact, sometimes happen to find books not available to everyone. In this case, do not worry. This booklet is smooth and full of examples that help us better understand the issue addressed. I think we can learn a lot by reading it. He explains the importance of breathing, mindset with which we do things, because we are stressed and why somatization. To resolve this problem could not be simpler! Indulge in the pleasures of even small with the knowledge that is our body that needs it.
Di Renzo Editore
Cheats Pokemon Soul Silver R4
Interpretation of Dreams
Here are five titles Di Renzo Editore to deepen the subject:
J. Allan Hobson - Dreaming
The brain works continuously sending "news" to the body that allows him to take actions and movements, but also think and dream. Even during sleep the brain processes information, develops the actions taken during the day and modifies them in dreams. But what are dreams? How does the brain and the human body when we dream?
The questioning man about the meaning and significance of the dream has roots far back in time. Since ancient times, when dreams were to appear as something obscure to people not yet traversed by the specific culture or by the wind of civilization, human curiosity has always pushed to a survey of this mysterious and unique process of the mind.
Why do we dream? What meaning have the dream images? What is the future of the mind in the age of the brain?
Here are five titles Di Renzo Editore to deepen the subject:
Aldo Carotenuto - In the world of dreams
J. Allan Hobson - Dreaming
A new vision for the mind-brain
Semir Zeki - With the eyes of the brain
Michael Gazzaniga - The interpreter
How the brain decodes the world
Aldo Carotenuto - My life for the unconscious
How the brain decodes the world
Aldo Carotenuto - My life for the unconscious
Di Renzo Editore
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
California Driver Licscence Templates
Soft release
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Soft release "LFI" on Leica M9 |
Con l'avvento delle reflex digitali, soprattutto dopo l'arrivo della cosi detta tropicalizzazione , il foro universale per lo scatto flessibile è andato via via scomparendo.
Si tratta di un foro di diametro universale posto sopra al pulsante di scatto.
Nasce per ospitare lo scatto flessibile, ma oggi, dove tutto è “ digital ” si è perso, sostituito dagli scatti remoti elettronici.
E' sicuramente un giovamento per la salute della macchina in quanto quel foto mette a contatto il “fuori” con il “dentro” and since any machine consists of an electronic / electrical and mechanical, it is very easy that even a single drop of water can do great damage.
In the Leica M cameras, including digital, except for M9 Titanium , the hole for the cable release continues, confirming the ferry you want in the future (in all respects) a body of 1954 .
At this forum you can assign a different purpose than that of the cable release: Host a soft release.
Soft release is nothing but an extra button that can be screwed on to the shutter button (See photo) , using precisely the universal hole that I mentioned above.
The advantage is the fact that lengthening the stroke of the shot, but maintaining the necessary strength to pressure, it has a softer step, " soft" to be exact.
also closes a dangerous opening in the camera, preventing infiltration of water or dust can damage the camera.
I use the soft release recently, but I can say with certainty that the gain is at least one stop . Typically my time is around security 1/60-1/45 of a second, with the soft release sono in grado di scattare a 1/30s nella maggior parte dei casi e ad un 1/24s quando sono fortunato! La Leica M9 può essere impostata nella modalità "Soft" che garantisce uno scatto più morbido (perdendo però il blocco dell'esposizione quando si lavora in "A"), ma con i pochi euro del soft release si può realmente guadagnare almeno uno stop, in una fotocamera che agli alti ISO non eccelle, credo sia un bel guadagno.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Softair Desert Eagle Gold
There is a regret of those who, perhaps, have been able to enjoy those colors but hazy by digital technology have not been spent on a roll.
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Afghan Girl - Steve McCurrt (1984) |
Molto semplicisticamente, per parlare di Kodachrome, ho put the most famous photo taken with this formidable emulsion.
is the American photographer Steve McCurry and the photo was taken in 1984 in a refugee camp for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan.
E 'superfluous to comment on the richness of detail in this photo and especially the colors.
The red, with the advent of digital technology has become the nightmare of all color photography, Kodachrome for was easy as all the other colors.
I wrote "was" because we just developed the last roll of this fantastic film, now out of production with the advent of digital.
The digital analog that has cannibalized the market did not spare even the Kodachrome film, color reversal invented in 1935.
Steve McCurry has been entrusted to the last roll and this gallery you can see the latest images of seventy-five year history of color photography.
Even Simon & Garfunkel had dedicated a song titled just " Kodakchrome .
Where on one hand enhance the quality of the film: "They Those give us nice colors ... Makes you think all the world's a sunny day "maybe the other one foresaw that one day this film was no longer available" So mama do not take my Kodachrome away ".
Steve McCurry has been entrusted to the last roll and this gallery you can see the latest images of seventy-five year history of color photography.
Even Simon & Garfunkel had dedicated a song titled just " Kodakchrome .
Where on one hand enhance the quality of the film: "They Those give us nice colors ... Makes you think all the world's a sunny day "maybe the other one foresaw that one day this film was no longer available" So mama do not take my Kodachrome away ".
Today digital sensors have resolution and sensitivity unthinkable, but blocked by the filter Bayer, never will return the colors of Kodachrome and how they should strive to emulate through software ... is the randomness magic against the accuracy of analog digital.
There is a regret of those who, perhaps, have been able to enjoy those colors but hazy by digital technology have not been spent on a roll.
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